
I have been having the thought that teaching my kids where to hide in a classroom would be ok. A kid killed himself in my middle school growing up. They made me sit at my desk till I insisted that sitting there was bad if there was a shooting. We were positioned in front of those dumb small windows in the doors. Two

White bear. Black mirror did something close.

The entire thread I’ve been thinking this exact thing. The last time they started selling healthier Happy Meals the price jumped by about $2 in Chicago. The last time I bought one for a kid it was close to $6. I don’t have a problem with healthier food but I do wonder if poor people will be able to even still afford

I dearly send love to you. Fuck that dude

To be fair I was first told I was going to hell when I was 7 for not understanding witch trials and why we would burn somebody at the stake for having a different religion. You know to be fair.

Truly and I hardcore grew up in Indiana. I’ve grown up with the cultishness of Indiana. All the men in my family are ministers. God always liked to talk to them. I remember asking a uncle why God talked to him and not to me. They never have answers. Joan of arc was epileptic. What the fuck is pences malfunction.

Or you know marry the other child he was molesting. Just saying.

If he just hooked the arms it could be some kind of modified Styles Clash or if she flipped him over with her legs it could be a hurricarana.

Does it spell disaster for her at Sacrifice? (Sorry if you don’t get this reference.)

Now playing

This is why I like the cold. Layers and less people.

Do you feel like the singer or the dinner dish?

My best friend growing up sounds like this molester. She used me and touched me and every male companion that I had as much as possible because she couldn’t handle rejection or any attention I got. 6 men have come out against her. I can’t even talk about it to people because no one takes women seriously and no one

I wait all year for January just to watch The Royal Rumble and 30 men are just brawling in the streets like pro wrestlers. Life is so unfair.

Tim Curry. That is all.

People cannot grasp this simple concept. I don’t pay any attention to the music played in stores. I couldn’t tell you the difference between most beyonce, gaga, perry or swift songs.

I like frittatas. That is all.

Primrose Caesar

I mixed benadryl and booze fairly regularly. I can tell you right now that it’s never left me paralyzed in a simi-conscious state. You just fall asleep. I know drugs cause different reactions in people but I’m calling serious bull shit on this.

I think you doing amazing things.