
Do you feel like the singer or the dinner dish?

My best friend growing up sounds like this molester. She used me and touched me and every male companion that I had as much as possible because she couldn’t handle rejection or any attention I got. 6 men have come out against her. I can’t even talk about it to people because no one takes women seriously and no one

I wait all year for January just to watch The Royal Rumble and 30 men are just brawling in the streets like pro wrestlers. Life is so unfair.

Tim Curry. That is all.

People cannot grasp this simple concept. I don’t pay any attention to the music played in stores. I couldn’t tell you the difference between most beyonce, gaga, perry or swift songs.

I like frittatas. That is all.

Primrose Caesar

I mixed benadryl and booze fairly regularly. I can tell you right now that it’s never left me paralyzed in a simi-conscious state. You just fall asleep. I know drugs cause different reactions in people but I’m calling serious bull shit on this.

I think you doing amazing things.

Involve. Spell check is a bitch.

Every day with D. Trump should evolve party mix.

I miss my Siamese kitty every day. Mine was named xander the buttmonkey(huge buffy fan). My mom hated him when he was a baby. He screamed all the time like a real baby. After the screaming phase though second best cat I have ever had. My mom chose the cat over me 90% of the time when I was a teenager.

As a self injurer sometimes I have to take breaks from the news. This is one of those times.

According to Fox News who had 3 reporters in the room when it happened he was more or less choke slammed. He picked him up by his neck with 2 hands and slammed him on the ground.

Could’ve called the maintenance guys come up with some ladders. Good old fashioned tables,ladders and chairs match.

I’ve been watching wrestling my whole life and I’ve never seen Linda bodyslam anybody. Kane tombstoned her once though and he’s running for Knox county mayor.

That would take critical thinking and I don’t think that’s her strong suit.

How should Taylor respond to Katy’s conformation about the feud: Murder/Suicide or Taylor could Nancy Kerrigan Katy.

I’d invite them all to a post impeachment party. Nothing fancy. Maybe some wine so they can wash their bitterness away. Definitely balloons though. We shouldn’t forget party streamers and a going away banner. It could say, “Sayounara Loser.”

Uber drivers don’t deserve that.