

We could dump on Joan Rivers. She hasn't been useful for years. She at one time was useful to other women in comedy but that ended sadly before I was born.

I noticed the date too. It seems odd that it is getting media attention now. Is Jez late on posted the pic or did it get leaked after the studio decided now to release the video?

Sometimes I like to bring my own friends. My actual people friends and me have stuffed toys we call our friends. I'd like to start carrying my own friends to dinner. I think that would be nice. I like that this place would be kind enough to let me make a new acquaintance. I like to go to eat by myself though. I

Was there a non-super edition of this book?

Pam from Archer is my spirit animal. I don't know what that says about me.

We all survived. We're seasoned drinkers.

I threw a GOT feast last year for the Red Wedding! We wore formal wear. We had roast chicken, weasel soup which was split pea soup, black rice with curried veggies, cheese, meat and fruit plates, lemon cakes, and calamari. I made everything from scratch and I don't even eat meat. Everyone had their own gallon of

Someone else almost tripped before that because there was a bump or roll in the carpet there. Hence the orange cone.

Nonsense! This is Jezebel. Our pitchforks never grow rusty!

Now playing

Miss Piggy has been doing the lifestyle brand before Joan has! I bring her Snackcercise video as example number one.

I just realized that Putin looks just like Roose Bolton from Game Of Thrones.

I know it makes me a bad person because it is assault but I want to shake the person who did it's hand. My Grandma definitely approves of the caking of Joan Rivers.

Have you ever played Galaxy Trucker? It seems like this game may play like this movie. It is a blast.

He's written one episode every season.

I saw it and now I can't unsee it.

They call each other sluts and post each others phone numbers on the wall. A wall of Georgia O'Keeffe's would have been much cooler. Really it seems like the men and women's rooms should switch walls for most of this graffiti to be affective.

I grew up in a small town. I was home visiting friends and we all went out to a bar called Dick's. It's been in the town forever. It's not a gay bar. It's a hick bar when you get right down to it. Anyway my friend goes to the men's room. We are yucking it up at the table when he bounds out of the restroom all

Oh..Come on! That book was about model offs and aliens! Sounds nothing like this book :)