
True story a queer couple I know uses Mr. Putin as the boogieman for their 3 yr old son. (With one phone call Putin will show up shirtless on the back of a black stallion to take away the bad kids. He will then ride the child to a labor camp where they will only be fed root vegetables for the rest of their lives and

I bet you say that to all the guys!

I'll listen to Dio.

Who you seeing? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Now I can blame her for not wearing pants!

When was the last time you wore pants?

I'm seeing this guy who has a 3 year old girl and an one and a half year old boy. Mom has a book about how girls have a vagina and boys have a penis. She likes to randomly inform me about my vulva. It's a cool thing for kids to know.

Who does that? Did some one piss on her stylist? Why sparkly capris? Does she need sock garters to hold them up? Sparkly ones at that? The world may never know.

I have your answer if you read the books.

I'm just glad R-Pats isn't in the news all the time anymore. I would get so confused about why Pat Robinson was in dirtbag talking about vampires.

I still think he would have made a great Spock. The man has natural Vulcan ears

Was there Kate hate before? Also, I don't know what else she has been in since Blue Crush.

It's ok I have a thing for John Goodman.

Give me The Dude any day of the week.

Assholes are made to push things out as well.

Your nicer than I am. I think babies are ugly squishy bags of fecal matter. I don't think they're people until they are potty trained.

Maybe if my Power Puff "action figures." had been able to move I would have kept buying them. Instead I got figures styled with large heads that could only turn from right to left. This makes my childhood memories bitter.

I know people that have lost weight from it but most people don't at least not immediately. I think a lot of addicts forgo food for drugs. Most people don't have the money to afford both a habit and to feed themselves. She works around food all the time. I had a friend who started doing crack and she gained weight

Well, I'd like to abort the whole frigging holiday.

Haunted by the ghosts of Kardashians.