
I'm 27 and I think it's awful.

I went as chun for Halloween but I have been called Pam more than once by my fuck buddy and former long time partner. I never take that as an insult. I am a salty bitch that can fuck like no one's business and throw down if I have too. Pam ios better than Cheryl though.

I refuse to call Kyle? any thing but the frankinteen.

I think I have that on vhs. I never understood as a kid why she bought me that movie as a kid. She recently became aware of Thor.

No Tyrion? Joffery would totally be in a rape gang.

I feel like there should be a lot of head/desk gifs in this conversation.

I have no idea why she thought it was ok to go black face. She could have done it without painting herself. I don't believe for one minute that no one around spoke up and said that it may be a bad idea to do black face. I just don't get people some times. Why is it these people a lot of the time plead that they

Which episode is that from?

People give them to me often. I keep them then read them stoned to my friends. I have a Christian Science tract that has Jesus and all the animals including dinosaurs just hanging out together. I love it.

I love collecting tracts. Some of them are so ridiculous. I imagine walking through a hell house would feel like I just stepped into the Chick tract website. It must be so exciting being surrounded by all that asshattery!

A few years ago on a very snowy night I was involved in a cinne-sticks fiasco. We had the apartment full for game night. We got really stoned and decided to order cinne-sticks. A box for everyone. Sharing was strictly prohibited. We ordered online and 10 minutes later my friend's phone rings. "Yes we did mean

I'm 27 and don't drive. I'm terrified I could kill someone. One of my good friends died a few years ago in an accident and that cemented me probably never driving. I try to either stay near public transit or way out in the mountains.

I feel as if my whole life has been a lie.

If I hold onto my butt it will be for my own personal enjoyment not because of JP4.

I chucked the book down the hall. It stayed where it lay for 3 days. I was so sad and depressed. My partner and I had a no spoiler policy. I read the books he didn't. Flash forward: we live in different places now. He calls me screaming, "You knew the whole time!"

Uncle Martin will you tell me a bedtime story?

I think Martin gives names and faces to the people who are savaged by war. It's supposed to hurt when they die. People are more than just a number on a death tally.

Does this mean we all could make a pregnancy pact? Would Lifetime make a part 2 of the Pregnancy Pact?

powdered ginger in ginger ale in a shot glass.

Cock toddy is a favorite of the Golden Girls.