
I hope when I die Westboro protests me. That's how you know you made it in life. Westboro showing up calling you a queer postmortem.


Jon Snow knows nothing. Ygritte on the other hand.

I don't know if it is the same company or not? I did find the toys though. Mostly metal.

No one posted the pic from Ron Swanson's office? I'm ashamed!

Are you implying that Mickey is the redneck leader of the Disney trailer park? Always running around shirtless, wearing shorts and living in Florida.

I'm enjoying the suffering of the Walking Dead people though. It's a minor balm to the burn I felt the other day. (:

Anyone want to talk about Theon Greyjoy's hair? :) Is it an omen for his character?

I can accept the lost of Red Dwarf but The Prisoner hurts. At least The Prisoner is re watchable.

The Prisoner is a better show. It has had such a huge impact on pop culture.

37 days!!!

I didn't even realize I read it like Jaqen H'ghar until I got to the comments. I just finished watching seasons 1 and 2 with some GOT virgins. Watched one on Tuesday and two today.

There isn't enough cling-free in the world to make some of these garments ok.

Thank god her favorite character wasn't Bannakaffalatta.

I agree it wouldn't be Maggie to do such a thing. I just don't get the anger he's showing her. She didn't choose for those acts to be done to her. She was under duress and any decent human being would have done what she did.

Maybe he has started laying off the booze and coke. He was really bloated before. He looked like an infant with a grown man's body. It was creepy. He looks more like his younger self.

It makes my cramps better or at least tolerable and if my cramps ease my nausea gets better.

Glenn pissed me off last night. If I was Maggie I'd keep my top on next time. He can just have his hand cut off.

Most bears do this. It's not just a panda thing.

Watch The King's Speech. She is amazing in it. You lose her to the role.