
So nobody's posted it yet. Saturday Morning Cartoons DIC! The kid in bed. I don't know why is was creepy to me but I am not alone in my fear. I showed it to some kids I was baby sitting to see what their reaction was and they agreed it was creepy as well but they didn't know why they felt that way.

I have one link to say what I want to:

As a sex worker I feel 2 ways about this: 1. What they're offering is something many sex workers already do which is to have a wingman if anything happens. Someone who knows where you are and have a safety word in case things get bad. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't get safety tips from a sex worker website

SWOP Chicago would love your help. They are always looking fort allies.

Kate Middleton to wear giant doily on her wedding day.

Dear Pat,

My SO literally did this whole clip as he watched it.

If only he knew what I was planning to do with my turkey baster.

A good friend of mine one day let slip that he didn't use condoms because he didn't have to worry about getting someone pregnant because he's gay. I hit the roof with anger. Well a week later I took him to a SWOP meeting and about 10 sex workers and I went at him over it. Live demonstrations. He now is a condom

Your just an incubator anyways so it doesn't matter.

You will pry my SO electric blanket out of his still warm dead hands.

Now your getting the spirit of America.

Does your cat ever give you attitude and in the back of our head you think to your self, "Frankie my dear I don't give a damn."

Princess Beatrice dress is horrendous. That is a terrible dress. The color the cut it's all wrong.

I'd watch then. I thought it was interesting. I'm not sure you can actually like a movie like this but it was much more thought provoking than any horror movies I can remember watching. It left a lingering effect on me for sure.

I think the point was that she started out as a no frills investigative journalist according to the character bios on the back of the packaging and then over time they turned her into a frail tarted up princess that needed saving. April got into some bad situations but she always fought tooth and nail to get the

If you can't choose between those 2 Tim Curry roles by default you may have to choose Pennywise.

Sounds more like a health problem to me.

How much do you know about? I really only tell people to watch it if they're big time genre fans of horror that feel the need to see everything. I don't recommend watching it if you've experienced abuse. I thought the movie was interesting though.

Her name was Venus.