Alice in The North Pole

Love the comments about he’s a cheater when they a.) met 7 years ago b.) have never once been seen together or linked until now c.) bill hader and his wife split up nearly 3 years ago

The closing number, “Bees (Not The) brings down the house.

The Wicker Cat

Remember when it came out that the RNC was also hacked? And remember how none of those emails were released? And remember how some GOP members didn’t like Trump and now they’re adamant about defending him?

God forbid we question whether an apology is actually “heartfelt” when they have continued to display the very behavior they are purporting to apologize for. 

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it


Which is why my go-to response now when men respond to these issues with “So now I can’t compliment a woman?” is “No, no you can’t; in fact you probably shouldn’t even speak to women if this is your takeaway. Clearly you’re not ready.

And to all the #notallmen hijacking these threads, when you’re done with your

I think a lot of those quick-burnout marriages are predicated on an assumption that a wedding will bring on a magical change in the relationship. The bride and groom realise very quickly that’s not the case, so they’re done.

Any pardon carries a full admission of guilt and the requirement to turn over any and all evidence of ongoing crimes.

Maybe they can get him to re-enact that screaming tiff he decided to honk out in response...you know, the one that made him look so fucking judicial.

I’m so sorry. At the risk of sounding like a weird stranger post—and the fear that my blathering will start making it all about me—I just wanted to let you know that some (hopefully most) of the people who work at food banks are aware of the struggles that parents have to go through when confronted with the ‘gift’ of

I tend to say that in the majority of human history, the poor were just literally starved to death. Whereas now, we have unhealthy, cheap, subsidized food where the poor are killed by diabetes or heart disease instead. And then blamed for it.

Once again, it needs to be pointed out that in the real world, there is one and only one superpower: compound interest.

As a public library employee, let me say, people read what they read. I’ve had 12 year olds reading political allegory and grown ass men checking out tween dystopia. And it’s all fine, absolutely no one should be shamed for what they read. And absolutely no one should go out of their way to stop someone else from

I would have more sympathy for the viewpoint that the “student” (she’s actually an alumna now) in question was looking for intellectually challenging books if the other Common Read books were actual Man Booker prize winners. But they’re not. We’re talking about stuff like Ready Player One here. The singling-out of


Jesus, these articles and comments that seem to come out on a monthly basis purely to bash Hillary and mealy-mouth about how she MIGHT be MARGINALLY better than Trump are the worst.

The comparison to Caruso-or Shelly Long or Katherine Heigel-is apt because they left their career-launching shows with zero grace, making a public declaration of how over the show they were. It leaves a bad taste in peoples’ mouths.