Alice in The North Pole

I don't even think she comes off particularly angry!  She is emphatic and uncompromising but seems optimistic and energetic to me.  Angry is not a word i would have come up with for her at all.

SERIOUSLY. My mental health has absolutely cratered since Nov 8 2016, and I am sick and tired of being so exhausted and stressed and angry all the time. Good leaders ARE angry when their ____ (country, business, etc.) has been run into the group and possibly irreversibly damaged by an utter moron.

When I saw the article I thought to myself, “Damn right she’s angry and she’s not the only one.”

I’m curious about what specifically “doesn’t work” about consent cards in Kest’s case. Is it that when students are given the option they tend to be verbal about not wanting to be touched, as opposed to being able to take advantage of their silence?

Warning, anecdata ahead:

I love the “I’m not alloooooowed.......!”

May I give some friendly, well-intentioned advice to all the candidates for the Democratic Presidential nomination? SHUT THE FUCKING FUCK UP ABOUT HOW SHITTY ALL YOUR PRIMARY OPPONENTS ARE, AND DO IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.

Middle Class Joe doesn’t need any of that fancy big-city medicine or general healthcare. Middle Class Joe just rubs some salt or mud on his internal, cancerous tumors and keeps on grinding day in and day out. Middle Class Joe knows that the last thing people want is financial solvency in regards to their housing

So the military-industrial complex will suffer at the expense of me getting really good health-care? Sign me the fuck up!

250% agree on the truck story. That is hands down the best written story ever submitted. I feel like I experienced it myself as I read it.

Agreed. Trump is an idiot who hurts people through his blundering and greed, but Mitch seems to have sat down and carefully planned out how best to erode democracy and build systems of exploitation.

Judging by those pictures I’d like to think of him still in character as Michael from The Good Place, getting all excited to experience getting arrested.

Jared’s response:

If you want a real chilling example of the LDS approach to gynecology, when I lived in California years ago there was a large Mormon community not too far away where many of the wives all went to the same LDS OBGYN. They were so ill-informed about what went on in a normal gyno visit and so lacking in fundamental

I’m glad most of this comment section doesn’t need a dilator to have comfortable sex. But I wish people would stop shaming others for what they need medically.

“At the show’s intermission a woman started yelling about him being there. She was shouting and crying and seemed to be the only sane person there.”

Maybe this is a good place to brag on my wife (slightly OT):

If this is the case then it says much more about Baldwin than Gomez. And, ultimately, how insecure she must feel. Thats pure speculation on my part. Working thru some shit and letting it out in a song is not saying she’s still in love with him or anything. Its catharsis. 

I have a freakishly good long term memory when it comes to my early childhood. For instance, I can vividly remember the bedtime routine that my mother - who died when I was young - took me through each night. She would carry me on her hip, and we would go all throughout the house so that I could say goodnight to

This story isn’t scary, and there are so many other stories on here that I doubt anyone will read it...but it IS true, I wanted to share it somewhere, and folks in my normal life would probably roll their eyes, so...