Alice in The North Pole

Check your closet.

I loved the part of her speech where she said that she hopes that the leaders of the world just don’t get it, because otherwise they’re just evil, and she doesn’t want to believe that. Call evil by its name! 

❤️Alice, thank you so much. Sending you and your pupper lots of hugs back. x

Love to you too Maya. And just one more thing and then I’ll shut my big yap--but that feeling that you’ve betrayed your boy is hard to shake, I know.  But I’ve done what you’ve done a few times, and I’m absolutely sure it’s a blessing.  So I’m going to try to do for you what my mom did for me, growing up. She was a

Hey all..it’s been a wild few weeks, hence my absence here; after waiting for what feels like forever things are moving so fast and I’m dizzier than ever.

While I was making rosemary focaccia bread I was thinking, with all the weird scents yankee candle has, why don’t they have a freshly baked bread candle? On the one hand, that might be end up being very disappointing: There isn’t actually any bread?! But I had the best of both worlds, fresh bread smell, and bread to

Shelter Cat Update!

My beautiful, adorable Ollie fell asleep on the 19/09/19.

Again, let’s compare their similarities in policy, background, even temperment and personality. I see it, they’re both women! Nailed it bro! Wish we could high five right now.

“We heard all of your complaints, and we completely re-engineered the candidate from the ground up. There is zero original code left, completely brand new.”


I was a tepid supporter of Bernie in 2016, but not today. I’ll tell you the difference between Bernie and Warren: Warren has a well constructed platform of interwoven policies and plans for the future. The talking points they both spout are similar, but Warren has done the groundwork and the math.

Because they are both women?

Or even pro life domestic terrorist attacks of the 80's and 90's on abortion clinics and doctors.

Abortion Clinic Bombings

“Call me again when a christian terrorist group blows up people at concerts, subway stations, trains, mosques, or mows down civilians with trucks on public squares etc in muslim countries all over the world”

It’s depressing, but also not surprising, that the two responses to this story that I’m seeing the most in the comments section are:

I am SO FUCKING OVER the people who try to gaslight us all into saying this shit didn’t happen last time. It’s happening right this fucking second.

What does the WFP have to gain by lying? What do they get by endorsing Warren and not Sanders?

I literally just quoted an example of entitlement.

The Working Families Party’s decision to endorse Warren for president on Monday came as something of a shock to Sanders supporters, since the group had backed him in 2016.”