Alice in The North Pole

I’ll, uh, go ahead and repeat the mass-sentiment from the last several posts concerning “woke” companies... WEIRD HOW CAPITALISM SWATHED IN FEMINISM IS STILL JUST SHITTY CAPITALISM </s>

The common argument for it (or at least the one I’ve heard) is, “Animals in the wild do it, it gives them so many nutrients!”

Cause I’m in the grey too: nothing of what you just typed is true in any way. I am not sure how you go through life having to spit out lies just to what? Get another white guy on the court? You are a weird sad little person 

A sex offense? Yes. Pushing your/someone’s uncovered genitals toward someone’s body when not wanted? Preeeeetty much the definition.

Now playing

goes to show Octavia Spencer is still the best Harriet Tubman,

I actually think she’s very strong with strong personalities, such as Reilly, Bateman, Sandler, etc. I think she herself is a pretty intimidating person, so she probably appreciates having someone strong to play up against who isn’t afraid to volley shit her way and to have the opportunity to bounce back.

Then they call you a bitch and blackball you. That doesn’t necessarily fly over well.

I found it somewhat ironic that her response to the people he was naming was “but they’re dead” - because (real) bipartisanship is quite dead in the modern Senate indeed. It was murdered by Mitch McConnell, with the rest of the Republicans as his accomplices.

Holy shit I came in thinking this would be about the Straight Pride people being arrested for being assholes exercising their rights. And instead it’s about the NON-Straight Pride people being arrested exercising THEIR rights? What a twist!

You know you fucked up when the District Attorney is like, "wow dude, you're being a real stickler about these rules, I think."

We DO have the right to know who’s shelling out a 100K each to get access to the president. Especially since his whole campaign was about taking on the elites and being the voice of the voiceless.

That’s a “I hate your guts, but please keep me in the Will” move, if I’ve ever seen one.  Lol.

+1,000,000 for this. i am currently undergoing chemo for breast cancer. i did HAVE a lot more compassion for comments about what women should/shouldn’t  feel/express. not anymore. 

You can verb anything you like.

It’s easy to tell the difference between “I like your dress,” and “I like [your body in] your dress.”

My greatest hope for this is that it leads to a revitalization of practical effects in fantasy and sci-fi creatures. To this day there are some respects in which Farscape remains untouchable as a TV show despite all that has come since, and a lot of that rests on the Henson Company’s shoulders.

The only one I greet like that is my cat and he seems to be ok with it. Who the fuck would think that’s appropriate for the workplace?! Kudos to your mom’s workplace for dealing with it (eventually)!

I just don’t understand what’s so hard about it.

If Puerto Rico as a physical, geographical island wants to rise up via dark magiks and beat him to a wet orange puddle, I am behind it.