Alice in The North Pole

It hurts my stomach SO damn much. 

I have a hard time looking at any of these images (like the other Polar bears). How can anyone say that there is nothing wrong with our world.

“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked.”

I want so much more of this level of fear out of Herr Funfundvierzig.

The Dems had no chance of winning the Senate this past election because of voter suppression in many states. Stop this shit.

He embarrassed himself beyond repair by swinging wildly, with all eyes on him, between simpering and blubbering and then shouting and sneering. I’m still amazed that he wasn’t immediately disqualified for his behavior alone (that’s sarcasm, of course, I’m just frustrated that character seems to mean nothing).

Yeah, but she ain’t wrong. I’m all for keeping progressive momentum going in pulling the Democratic party more to the left through primaries. But in 2018 the House was flipped by less leftist Democrats winning in swing districts, not the (outstanding people that we need more of) handful of progressives who won in

“... in districts like mine or Alexandria’s... in those districts.”

“Why is it that most people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place?”

Just to elaborate, I always find it weird when it comes out that some wealthy centrists don’t want Bernie to win and his supporters freak the fuck out. The whole point of Bernie and his movement is supposed to be that they don’t need those guys to win election.

Then why was there a whole, uh lawsuit about it?

What I mean is that a dude and the supporters of that dude who insists that he is not a Democrat should not be outraged that a bunch of moneyed up centrists are not lining up behind a dude who actively antagonizes them. Ultimately if Bernie wins they’re gonna have to shut up and deal, and if they don’t nothing changes

Even a short tour of Bernie Twitter (or hell, the comments section on this very article) shows exactly how “kind, gentle, and tolerant” you all are. A healthy proportion of Bernie fans are conspiracy-driven cult members.

Well the implication is that tired assertion that Bernie was the real winner of the Democratic primary last time. 

Do you think maybe they hate Bernie because he’s a clueless old man that isn’t remotely capable of describing how he’ll accomplish anything?

I saw this and while my first reaction to Kim K was “stay in your lane, we have enough narcissistic assholes in this profession already,” I have to admit that my secondary and more insistent reaction was, “settle down, anyone who has heard that woman talk for more than four seconds knows for a fact that there is no

I’m pretty sure Liz Warren can do anything Bernie can do and she’s 8 years younger to boot.

I wish more of Bernie’s fans would take a serious look at Warren. She is just as progressive, has actual plans on how she’d get shit done, and isn’t a cranky old pain in the ass. Ah well... 

It’s easy to point and laugh at Trump being a fucking dumbass. But lets also take a moment to educate and learn something, because... yeah, fighting a fire on this level is fucking complicated, so lets go to a twitter thread by a former St. Louis Firefighter who was the deputy-director of the Missouri Department of

Yes, who cares how many women die in back alley abortions and how many refugee children die locked in cages? Your vote is pure.