Alice in The North Pole

Counter-counter-counterpoint - Bernie is a pompous backbencher that no one in Congress took seriously for literally his entire career, struck lightning because Hillary was historically weak, and is A) going to get demolished by any half-competent campaigner in the primaries, B) would get further wrecked by Fox News in

He’s never held leadership, he’s barely passed any legislation, his campaign was a disorganized shitshow run by incompetents and hangers-on, and he’s never actually had the responsibility of implementing any of his policies. He is also bad at convincing people he is right or changing peoples minds. Bernie Sanders is

You’re right. They have actually accomplished things in their time in government.

The way I conceptualize it is that our roles are clearly defined and static. That role is to be a loving and respectful partner for the other. That’s it. What that looks like in action on a day-to-day basis is going to change a lot depending on your stage in life and what your needs are, but to me it’s meaningful that

I thought maybe she is just trying to get out from under her sister’s shadow....

Meh, Jameela’s just doing this to try to one up Rebecca Hazlewood.

IUD tho.

It's pretty easy to look up his record. In his lifelong political career, he has introduced exactly zero pieces of legislation to support and protect People of Color. He has introduced several pieces of legislation to protect and support trout. Bye.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

That’s the problem. You can’t just push the voter suppression issue to the side. You had the man who’s in charge of elections also RUNNING IN THE ELECTION. Like how does that not scream shadiness. 

You should report voting irregularities like this! Full Frontal has an app in the app store where you can report election issues, and that’ll go straight to a nonpartisan voter rights organization that helps investigate that stuff on the ground on election day. There’s other options here: https://www.pewtrusts.org/rese

Working out, like many, many things in life, is worse in the anticipation than the actual doing. Once you’re working out, there’s endorphins and stuff, and it’s fine. But the dread that precedes it? That’s the problem.

Look, we all want things that aren’t going to happen.

Separate from their chat, their hair-dos were conversing: T’s do: “No product here, I’m gloriously wavy from birth!” H’s do: “Well I am wavy AND shinier in the sun! People look at me first before even his face!” T’s do:“You looked like shit in that war movie!” H’s do:“Got me there, but that was for art!” T’s do:“I

We can be more civil than this, we all deserve the right to vote as citizens of this great country.  As an American, I am embarassed to see how far torn apart we are, we have to come together and we all can find some common ground.

Rresponses like Toobin’s have got to become the (minimum) standard by which the media operates if we are to survive this catastrophe of an administration.

Based on the fact alone that Steve Kazee “looks nothing like Channing Tatum” and he’s a Tony-award winning actor (for a musical, no less!) the only appropriate response is “praise be!”

I have a friend who simply calls him Judge Rape Train.