She’s mad because she didnt get to be the WW face of a movement that began ten years before she even knew about it. She’s fucking insufferable.
She’s mad because she didnt get to be the WW face of a movement that began ten years before she even knew about it. She’s fucking insufferable.
Innocence? This was not a criminal hearing. Fairness? This is not a playground. This was a continuing job interview for a position that requires the absolute best of the best and Kavanaugh has repeatedly showed himself to not be it. If I were accused of sexual assault, and repeatedly lied and lost my temper during a…
in a 43-minute speech, announced she will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh
I think its because of all the fake humming and hawing, feigning concern then doing exactly as what everyone said they were going to do, but then doing it in some sort of self righteous defiance of the public view. They need to just own up and be honest along with the other assholes they work with without all these…
What they actually mean is that they believe her, they just don’t give a fuck.
I love getting that lecture from fucking morons about how we need to elect centrist/red state “Democrats” like Manchin simply because they have a (D) by their name just so we can watch them help pass Conservative policy again and again and again.
Fuck Joe Manchin. So much so that I think Democrats in WV should kick his ass out of office. Let the fucking Republican win, how much worse can he really be?
Now that it’s all but official and a man who is not only going to give rabid conservatives the 5th reliable Supteme Court vote they’ve so desperately wanted for decades, but is also a sexual criminal, a drunk, a pathological liar, and a man who believes Trump is above the law, is the newest justice, I want to take…
Flake’s call for FBI was a huge “Cover My Lily White Ass” move and never, never meant to actually seek truth or justice. He asked Mitch for that allowance, Mitch & Trump said “sure, wtf & knock yourself out” with a very shallow skewed 5-day max look see.
I’m positive a large part of the inability to identify threatening behaviors in other men is because men, in general, don’t ever have to worry about that on a personal level. They’re able to overlook it because they can.
Hillary Clinton ran the most progressive platform for a major party presidential nominee in history and was a more liberal voter in the Senate than Obama who was lauded as an extremely progressive presidential candidate. I’m sorry if that hurts you.
Don’t worry; it’s OK. He wants to abolish the 13th Amendment so it’ll be totally legal.
He really is... all that.
Remember back in 2016 when all the liberal men who violently hated Hillary Clinton claimed they couldn’t be misogynists because they loved Elizabeth Warren and would vote for her in a nanosecond? Color me unsurprised how quickly that support is drying up now that her candidacy is actually a possibility. She was much…
Another Times report suggests that senators seen as swing votes—Susan Collins of Maine, for one—are aware of, and apparently comfortable with, the scope of the investigation: “Mr. McGahn shared the witness list with the F.B.I. but is working in concert with Senate Republicans, and senators considered key swing votes…
Hey, Neil Gorsuch got confirmed without this bullshit.