I will just keep reposting it
I will just keep reposting it
It’s hard to escape the conclusion that they may actually have made the difference here.
I shared the Bar’s letter elsewhere and got this as a response:
Or if someone took a tire iron to his face.
Yep = want to talk about unethical sham? Two words: Merrick Garland.
“This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics”
Came here to say that he looks like a spoiled toddler on the verge of a meltdown over goldfish crackers.
I try as hard as I can not to buy into party tribalism but the fact that Al Franken voluntarily resigned after a picture of him pretending to honk a sleeping woman’s breast came out, and people like Roy Moore and Brett Kavanaugh refuse to give up campaigns with the allegations they face is solid proof that Democrats…
I dunno. A healthy amount of legal debauchery is okay; it’s part of growing up and being human. The problem is when people try to deny it.
No, these things are important and we need to rush to fill vacancies on the court as fast as possible. Just ask Supreme Court Justice Merrick Garland.
She’s NOT a staff person! Not a staff person! She’s the First Daughter!
Kiki are you legal?
When I was in high school a good friend set me up on a blind date. She knew him from youth group and he was, by all accounts, a perfectly nice guy. We had a perfectly pleasant lunch and he dropped me off at home after, no problem. There wasn’t any chemistry on the date but there was nothing about him that was…
“It is easy to be nasty hiding behind screens and Twitter handles,” she said. “It’s not so easy face-t0-face.”
Easy for me to say, but...
...is this supposed to mean anything to me?
Yep. I’ve never been so disappointed in a politician. WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU, AL