Alice in The North Pole

Jeeeesus, it is stated in the article that there will be no examination of why there is a wage gap or an argument that a wage gap is due to social prejudice against women. It is literally just pointing out areas where women tend to not invest in the same ways as men and may be missing out on financial opportunities

Yes, he is. That’s why he is going to regret that “perfect” neurological test score when it’s time to assess his competence to stand trial.

I’d also add that the general public is really ignorant. This applies regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic status- we really do have an under-educated, non-informed, and disinterested general public. Before I started working with them (originally retail, now I’m with the public library) if someone had asked me if

I think she’s trashing the industry for not paying Faye enough, not Faye herself. I’m sure Ellen was at Whole Foods and saw Faye in her Prius and was like “fuck this industry!” Even though Faye probably likes her Prius. She should’ve left Faye’s name out of this, but I don’t think Ellen is wrong about the industry

His fear is bullshit. He would never have got in a relationship with someone with dogs if it wasn’t bullshit.

I don’t want him to die. That means he escapes this nightmare as a martyr. I want him knocked out of office and to live a long life in disgrace. (Although that would require he become capable of feeling shame...)

The French in general seem to have a shitty attitude towards sexual harassment and abuse just in general.

All signs point to ‘this is a terrible move’ yet I’m oddly intrigued.

Ugh, you can’t know how accurate this comment is. Thank you.

Okay, but you can’t try to trade mark “this sick beat” and then bitch because someone else wants credit for their lyrics.


No, he can’t. His belly is too large.

TRUE STORY: I work in Rock Center but NOT for NBC and a colleague of mine had a broken leg. One day she was struggling down the street on crutches past 30 Rock and Hoda walked out to get in her black car. Hoda did NOT know my colleague, but because Hoda is a dream, she gave my colleague her black car and told it to

you’re lots of fun - just the level of corruption fatigue Putin likes in his subjects

The tree was brought down to Rome Romney style

I think the problem is that there are more balls than wood. And that’s just never a good thing, right?

Here’s the sad little mangy toilet brush:

...thought she’d have “dozens of orgasms” on her wedding night because she “earned” that by staying a virgin and marrying one.

Now playing

Patty Jenkins, for teaching me how much representation really does matter:

I mean go fuck yourself