Alice in The North Pole

Part of the conservative ethos is that private charity is just as good as and can replace public policy and funding, so this makes sense in a way. She picked a family she thought was “worthy” of the help, and gave it. She didn’t consider the other kids who were still in the school and that they all might benefit from

I also think De Vos was bred in the same petri dish as Phyllis Schlafley - ie. “all women should forget about anything but fulfilling their Godly duty to keep the home and submit to their husbands...all women but me because I am the special anointed one to send this message to the wee little lambs”. Title IX is just

Because Obama did it or liked it. And because so much of GOP politics and Trump’s in particular begin and end with “Fuck Obama”. They really got put out by those eight years of a black man running the country and actually being really good at it, they need to screw over his legacy as much as possible.

I guess I don’t understand. Why is it a bad thing to protect against sex discrimination? Or to keep pollution out of our air & water? Or to pay people equally for the same job? Or to have regulations in place to keep buildings from falling down or people from being poisoned? I just can’t wrap my mind around whatever

I want to live in a world where Peggy Whitson is the biggest celebrity in America, which she deserves to be.

Yet another reason to love her. Chloe was half the reason I was able to watch Agents as long as I did (almost 3 whole seasons) I hope she gets some solid movie roles and the super stardom she deserves (I’m rooting for a musical role).

Did... wha... trust you? I... like you’re what, a Communist spy, trained from birth to speak perfectly American English, and then installed in a job where you, I don’t know, deliberately give bad help to customers to undermine our shrine-like worship of retail as the emblem of capitalism?

As the Times Magazine points out, a story about the Syrian refugee crisis is actually about a Syrian teen finding a boyfriend

on or about her wedding day, if memory serves.

I’m calling it now: that kid will rebel against his or her parents by growing up to become an accountant.

I just avoid all sunlight and never make facial expressions unless I have to.

See, this is great. However, every time I see it I am reminded of my cousin who, years ago when she was a tiny young woman living in the bad part of town, would use this as a strategy to keep the creeps away on the night bus. Any guy that wouldn’t stop creeping on her she would just earnestly try to “talk to them

Gossip Girl was great thanks to Leighton Meester.

Can we all agree that Leighton Meester >>>> Blake Lively? 

The fact that Blake became the buzzed about (if not yet particularly successful) actress after this show instead of Leighton proved there’s no justice in the universe.

Anybody who thought that Eva Braun and The Other Eva Braun were going to be any kind of help was deluded. 

I wish I could teleport to wherever he is so I could stand right in front of his ugly, lumpy face and call him a FUCKING RACIST as loud as possible.

For me, there’s an easy test. What type of car do they drive? Is it a Toyota or something similar? Is it at least a couple years old, or replaces one that was several years old? Using Zillow, how much did they pay for their house? Does their house cost significantly more or less than the average house in the area

i saw on the news something about a woman being reunited with her five kids and she started crying and saying something like “god is so good for bringing my kids back” (i was at the gym, it was subtitled without sound so that might not be an exact quote). like bitch, if there WAS a god, they did this shit. thank the