Alice in The North Pole

well, our current first lady hoped to make up to $150 million from being first lady, so...

I fucking hate this man with every fiber of my being. He’s such a cowardly worm of a man, with no respect for anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass.

She is so much the absolute best of what America has to offer: smart, hard-working, honest, funny, strong, and kind. Not to mention beautiful with a killer fashion sense. The First Lady is not an elected position and it’s a little unfair to compare them because of that, but she is light-years ahead of anything our

It’s sad how people can’t see insulting someone for their actions and choices is very different from insulting them because of who or what they are by birth.

Trump: “So I heard this one story, and it now applies to all 11 million immigrants!”

Little do they know, us dirty immigrants fantasize about 8 hours of sleep and a warm bed to do it on.

Everyday, a fresh new hell. The longer the investigations against him and his administration go on, the nastier he’s going to be to immigrants and the LGBT community, to try and shore up his base. It’s going to get a lot worse.

Sounds like a vivid fantasy he harbors himself.

From what he’s saying, he’s had to structure his whole life, even his relationships, around avoiding invasive stalkers who follow his every move. He did his job well and moved on (like the most of the rest of the world) but he still has to look over his shoulder, for who knows how long. Maybe forever? That sucks.

Who also tend to be REALLY racist towards FKA Twigs. Like, no wonder he hates them.

It’s more likely that Trump still has this weird obsession with Obama and is undoing anything Obama did because Black guy made joke at his expense years ago.

Trump, a man who dodged and cheated his way out of serving, has decided that Trans people who want to serve in the Forces aren’t worthy of doing so. Couldn’t make it up.

Bosses making more than direct reports... is how things are?

I had a lady boss for my first job, and there was a guy on our team who worked—no lie—14 or 16 hour days. We mostly thought he would be up for promotion, but a woman on my team received one instead. When the workaholic asked her why she didn’t promote him, she said, “[Woman] does twice the amount of work in 40 hours a

One cannot develop that skill without first being completely unfettered by conscience and basic decency.

I am one of the book people who started reading in 2006. I don’t come with judgment, because the books are long and hard to read!

Truth Seconded. It’s amazing. My ex-boyfriend started calling me a “social justice warrior,” “femi-nazi,” and used “feminist” as an insult after the election. It was awesome, and by awesome I mean I basically should have dumped his ass the second he did. It would have saved me a lot more trouble.

The question of whether a president can pardon himself is pretty esoteric and didn’t come up in law school/bar for me... We studied Nixon, but mainly through the lens of the Supreme Court cases that actually did come up, like the tapes.

First, shove your condescension up your ass.

So that’s Mongolia off the itinerary…