Alice in The North Pole

To the first person: he made that statement about feminism because he wanted to fuck you. End stop. Don’t let that one single sentence make you stick around in a bad, bad, bad relationship when he’s saying many more sentences that are showing who he really is. Anyone who turns to belittling you is not worthy. It’s

No matter how much someone bothers me from a different political or social viewpoint I could never call them a Re-Thuglican or Demo-Turd, lib-tard etc. Not just because it’s polite but also because it’s so fucking stupid. In fact I question just how funny this man actually is (let alone any of his other charms)

Re: Trump: some of the comments I have seen in political arguing online state some version of the following- “I may or may not agree or like what Trump is doing, but BOY DO I LOVE SEEING THE LIBERALS IN PAIN!” If someone makes an important decision (who to vote for) that they actually feel somewhat ambivalent about

I’ve got to disagree with the advice to tell your boyfriend that you’re dumping him and then leaving him to sort out/divide up your stuff. I was in the boyfriend’s shoes when my last long-term relationship ended and to this day I think that leaving that task to me was some cowardly bullshit.

That’s great, but can we keep our eyes on Jared, please? Or Don, Jr.? Then again, maybe putting some pressure on The Only Child Trump Really Cares About will make him nervous and cause him to do stupid (and actionable) stuff.

I’m sorry that having a strong conviction about one of the biggest ethical questions of our day frightens you so much. You do not have a monopoly on watching a loved one suffer and die, and you don’t get to make me feel like I’m doing something wrong by accepting that death comes to all of us and making peace with

I understand that you have a personal connection to this case and I don’t mean to diminish your experience at all.

you would let your child suffer like this? You don’t own your child. They are their own persons & I find it incredibly fucked up anyone is advocating for experimenting on a disabled child.

That’s... not much better.

I just don’t understand why scientists try to continue to interfere with God’s plan for Charlie.

So they are letting a white British family with £1.3 million to spend on healthcare jump the immigration line to gain permanent residency in the US in the same bill that makes immigration more difficult immigration for everyone else, but especially targets brown folks from Mexico, Central and South America.

Every day I read a story about an undocumented immigrant who’s a hard-working parent, pays taxes, contributes to society etc, and is being deported, perhaps to never see their kids again. But this one baby, who’s beyond saving and doomed to be bedridden for the rest of his life, gets permanent residence along with his

This. The countless brown kids who desperately need permanent residence here to escape war, famine, you name it? Oh no. Those are dangerous. Those are lazy takers so fuck them, yeah? God I hate the GOP. 

While millions of refugee children/children of immigrants/etc. get ripped away from their parents and/or denied access to a country and healthcare that could *actually* help them. Fuck everything.

I lost a three-month old kitten shortly after moving into a new house. He showed up on my porch seven months later, emaciated and with awful diarrhea. A trip to the vet, some antibiotics, and a quick few days off work to snuggle and care for him and he was fine. Could not believe it.

All I know is, if my dog disappeared for nine months and we thought she was dead, and then she suddenly showed up again, I would weep. That’s a good girl. Dogs are amazing. And thank goodness for dedicated dog rescuers.

Now playing

Funny you should post this, because it turns out that the very first time that trump mentioned Hillary’s emails was the very same day the trump jr. met with this russian lawyer for dirt on Hillary...

Kendall’s dress is some Deanna Troi bullshit and I am HERE FOR IT.