Alice in The North Pole

But that Trump quote actually made me think “huh, Kim Kardashian normally gives more cohesive statements than that.” That’s where we are. Our president sounds stupider than Kim Kardashian.

I’m down on myself constantly for everything - massive debt, having eaten chips for dinner last night, not reading to my kid enough, procrastinating at work, avoiding my mother - but at the end of the day, at least I am not that guy. Can you imagine going through life being Bill fucking Cosby’s spokesman?

Cosby answer a series of yes and no questions to establish that his counsel was still acting with his consent.....

I’m not mad at Alina. I’d be pissed too. Taking a day off to work from home when your job is internet based is a little different, so I get why she’s pissed. Especially when you have to go to someone’s home or the commute’s shit.

Just proof that if you are an hourly employee, yes, you should charge overtime when you are working overtime.

He’s lost all the base he’s ever going to lose. The ones sticking by him will stick with him till the bitter end. You could have him admitting on tape that he conspired with Russia and they still won’t believe his guilty.

Yeah, I doubt that anyone will ever turn up evidence that Trump himself colluded with Russia in the 2016 election, but I think what has had him worried all of this time is that evidence of his illegal business dealings with Russian oligarchs and criminals would come to light.

The Romanian and Tory Burch coats. I had to look them up and wow, it really is almost identical, there’s no way she didn’t see the original. And I’m not going to lie, I kind of want it.

He wasn’t the ideal candidate and prior to his huge infusion of cash from Soros he was in the middle of the pack.

This is like going to a wedding and quoting divorce rates to the happy couple. I think many people have said this isn’t a charter school and even if they are going to community college I wouldn’t disqualify. I’m lucky that I grew up in a privileged background and attending university was never a question, but I have

Yeah, more power to these kids, and I hope they all make it through college. I also have a pretty profound suspicion of charter schools twisting their stats like that, and I think the privatization of public schools is fucking criminal. But I’m pretty sure that Ballou is a public school—not a charter school. And even

American Gods covers this. They are sacrifices for an ancient cave god that protects the town. Probably.

Maybe Diane can go hang out with Woody Allen.

Well, if I recall, she was very outspoken about the strength of Woody Allen’s character and she considers him a BFF. So chin up, Diane! It sounds like you’ve managed to surround yourself with at least one quality dude.

I was impressed with how collected and calm Comey was throughout his testimony, and how easily he was able to discuss and consider what he was being asked about. You could tell that he prepared for his testimony but also was being honest. Basically, he sounded like a professional, responsible person. Sessions sounded

This fucking Travelocity Gnome needs to be strung up by his short’n curlies. What’s with this “ I can’t recall” bullshit? When they grilled Hillary for HOURS she never took the ‘who me?’ route like this pocket sized motherfucker is using. Inexcusable.

And lots of whales were actually making a comeback! SAVE THE WHALES WAS WORKING! And now this blight on all God’s works decides fuck it, let ‘em die.

And yet there’s a thread over on Giz where some fool thinks that if liberals just started being nicer that would change the minds of Trump supporters.

I for one miss the good old days when people put thought into what they publish online. This might come as news to you, but a police chief isn’t a judge and jury. He’s doing what he himself has the power to do.

Perhaps Vanka thins we should all treat the Trump family as Donald is treated in this: (the most nauseating video I have ever seen). https://nyti.ms/2njGVNn