Alice in The North Pole

This one time, I had a boss who invited me out to lunch. When I got there, I realized I was the only invitee. He put his hand on my leg and said, “I hope we are going to have a great working relationship.”

Because Flynn’s just the first domino. If Flynn could fall by himself without taking others with him, they’d have thrown him to the wolves already. Shit, Trump would have tweeted about it and made an unprompted comment about it at a photo op for something completely unrelated. (“Flynn, what a traitor, huh, Obama gave

This is such a bullshit excuse. Comey should not have to tell the President what’s legal and illegal. Trump, as an American citizen, should know that you are not allowed to interfere with criminal cases. But he’s gotten around it everything, looking at you, Trump U. I’m not at all shocked that Comey is being blamed

For some reason I was convinced you were going to say Ben Affleck

No, he’s not. There were TWO bills. Booker didn’t vote yes on Bernie’s bill but another one. Then, Bernie, who is clearly the pettiest person ever, told everyone he was in Big Pharm’s pocket. But he voted yes on the other bill.

That is the face of the man who did the most to compromise the progressive movement for the next two generations. He should be booed off every stage he stands on from now until the day he dies.

EXACTLY. They rolled out the red carpet, laughed at his jokes, praised him as the greatest thing ever, and knew that when they broke relations with Qatar because of long simmering tensions over its ties to Iran, they could just say “MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD THEY FUND EXTREMISTS” to make it sound like they were doing Trump’s

The funny criticism of Hillary Clinton’s supposed “coronation” was the implication that the Democrats of 2015 had a super deep bench of up and comers that she kept from running. The reality is that between 2004 (when a State senator from Illinois gave a keynote address before the DNCC) and 2016, not a single Democrat

Another good thing is we don’t have a large AF base in Qatar that we have been operating out of for years. If we did, that would be awkward........

I agree. But the problem is that it’s really hard to determine whether this is about the sister’s feelings or the parent’s telling them what their feelings are.

I feel like the sisters have every right to their feelings as to whether or not they were victimized by their brother... but on the same token, they do not have the rights to whether or not they were legally victimized by his behavior.

You’d never expect that those 2 brothers wrote a song called “Don’t Look Back in Anger”


It’s okay if you don’t come visit us, we don’t really want to be here either.

I have always said that sci-fi/fantasy actors are seriously underrated. It’s one thing to pull off great depths of emotion over something you have actually experienced/can talk to people who have experienced, it’s another to do it about the consequences of the dragon’s hatchling being caught in a spell crossfire or

Hanlon’s Razor - “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” 

She makes me think of nothing so much as the pretty/popular girl from high school - nice enough, but with tragically underdeveloped wit and creativity because her looks always got her where she wanted to go.

Blake Lively’s success would baffle me if she wasn’t blonde, generically hot & from a well connected family.

Omg SHUT UP. She has not come out to make any kind of statement supporting her brother, so leave her alone. She has not been accused of any crime. She did not pay his bond, so stop insisting that she did. And as much as I hate rapists, everyone should have a lawyer. Families often pay for those lawyers, no matter what