Alice in The North Pole

Exactly! As long as you keep it clean at the neck, you can manage to do a grow out pretty gracefully.

Beyond his lack of any credible or sane policies, Trump is simply an awful, awful person. He lacks any of the gravitas or dignity I think is necessary to be the leader of the United States.

Wow. I rarely read the editor’s letters in the beginning of a magazine, but I always read those of Linda Wells. She was knowledgeable, relatable and funny. Allure has been a staple magazine for me for years and I thought they were doing an excellent job of producing consistently great content and great visuals.

I have managed to concuss myself by hitting my head as I got out of a car - twice. I have no trouble believing someone could fall as much as she does, especially in giant gowns with high heels.

Totally agree on Gwyneth’s answer. Maybe also because it completely describes me and the way I feel about my divorce - it just feels honest and true. #notalone

For a second I read that as “flightless, hearty, bitch.” I mean, that could work, too, I suppose.

I have the Flash ‘n Go device. It takes a bit for you to notice because your hair has to go through the growth cycle. Then it almost feels like a cumulative effect because all of a sudden you notice you have so much less hair...I used to shave and you could still see my hairs under the skin. This has totally negated

So so much. I have one of the at-home gadgets and it is a complete game changer for my super pale skin, super dark hair self.

Yup. My skin just doesn’t believe in the holistic cures. It took Accutane to do anything permanent for me, and I still have some occasional skin issues.

I believe in sunscreen, even on grey days. I love Shiseido’s Urban Environment UV Protector. It absorbs really well, it’s non-greasy, it’s just the best.

That is some gag-inducing parenting. This makes me feel sorry for Justin Bieber, which is a strange feeling.

I have the same affliction. A weird semi-cowlick that foils all my dreams of having bangs.

That photo needs a trigger warning! I can’t stop shuddering!

She’s so right. I wish I hadn’t saved anything in my 20s so that when I went through my divorce in my early 30s I didn’t have enough money to foot the whole rent on my apartment or re-buy the furniture and necessities that he took when we divided our stuff. It would have been awesome to not have a safety net then. /s

That poor kid. It sounds like the engineering teacher had a strong inkling of what his fellow teachers’ and the principal’s reactions would be to Mohamed’s invention. It must suck knowing you work with racist assholes.

Right? I loved her in Edge of Tomorrow and I cannot wait to see her in Sicario. She’s a badass. She even managed to be a badass in Devil Wears Prada, though, too. Basically, I just love her.

Not yet. I have heard great things, I don’t think I could watch it!

Ack!! That sounds horrific. My dad had to go to the welfare dentist as a child and that meant they didn’t get novocaine if they had a cavity that needed to be filled. To this day he has such a phobia of the dentist (understandably).

Very cool! Thanks for the link!

100%. Also, anesthesia for surgery and novocaine for dental work. I don’t want to live in a world where I would have to endure my 2 root canals and myriad fillings without massive novocaine (or would have had to just have the teeth yanked).