Alice in The North Pole

My husband had the good quality nightguard made for about $300. Then he lost it. He has since been using the disposable ones from CVS/Duane Reade, etc...they each last a couple days. They are certainly not as good as the one from the dentist - I see his teeth shifting. But, he was starting to wear his teeth down

I looove pandas. Have loved them ever since I was a kiddo, but the more I learn about them, the more I am surprised how they have managed to survive as a species. Their limited diet, their bumbling attempts at sex...it's a good thing they are cute and so much effort is put into saving the species :)

Yes, a thousand times yes. And then he has the audacity to never fucking pick up his goddamn socks.

I'm so sorry, and I wish there was something I could say to make the grief disappear. Grief is such an insidious thing. It is overwhelming in the beginning, but even once you are able to make it through a day or two without crying, it will strike at the most random moments. All I can say is hang in there. And if

The CAPS were totally warranted. Holy shit, Gayle's amazing! And good for you for opening up to your therapist.

I am gagging right now. I was not prepared for a spider...so disturbed.

I so hope she comes through okay and stays safe.

Thank you! Love hearing when celebrities are as awesome as you desperately want them to be :)

That was a beautiful article, and Mr. Rogers was a wondrous man.

As someone with a Korean husband, I also think it may very well be that he just doesn't have much in the way of facial hair. My husband and many of the Korean men I know are pretty bare-faced, even well into adulthood. Though maybe John Cho uses a straight razor...

That is all kinds of awesome! I would be loudly freaking out; you are clearly more mature and composed than I am.

Crossing my fingers that I don't have to apartment hunt in NYC again for at least another year. Holy shady brokers. Don't try and show me a no fee apartment (that I saw online and already scheduled an independent appointment for), and ask for a 15% fee. Bullshit. Looks like our app will go through, though, and we

Yeah, my dislike of the idea of a cockroach strolling around on my face is infinitely outweighed my desire to live and be rescued. Science is cool and I'm cool with bionic, lifesaving cockroaches.

I know! It would be a travesty if she wrecked that shiny, shiny hair.

That looks nothing like Bee.

That is so, so hard. I still vividly remember the last time I had to say goodbye to a pet and it was awful. Just give her all the love you can in the next 6 days, know that you gave her the best life you could and that she loved you back endlessly. And, now I am crying for you. Pets, man can they break your heart.

Ooooh, new dog? What kind? How old? That's exciting, too bad they are far away. I gorged on Indian food and am now hanging out with my dogs and bourbon. The husband is giving me my necessary end of week alone time to zone out on the internet and catch up on all the fashion week coverage.

The mother of a girl you used to work with 7 years ago? How on earth did you get sucked into that? Egads.

I think I heard that a while back, too. But she's actually dating some finance dude named Nate Naylor (that just screams movie character name to me), which makes the photos mildly scandalous.

I doubt the author gives a shit if the men think she is nice. I certainly don't give a shit how I come off to men who don't leave me alone in public spaces, especially when I am essentially a captive in a confined space until it is my stop, or at the very least safe to get off the train. And it pisses me off that