Still, it would have been interesting to see Rob Schneider’s take on this role.
Still, it would have been interesting to see Rob Schneider’s take on this role.
It’ll be uploaded on YouTube soon after. No need to waste your money.
Ugh, I was really hoping we’d never see Garfield near a Spider-Man role again. He played the role all wrong to me.
You don’t need to put a question mark at the end of whodunnit.
Slideshows!! Put the URL into to read this list in much less time.
i09 likes almost everything. They’re not discerning. Never trust their opinion.
Another slideshow! If you plug this URL into you miss the pics, but you get the text without the annoying slideshow.
Yep. More and more of these “news” sites just want to regurgitate corporate content and “report” it without analysis or context. It’s all Entertainment Tonight all the time.
No remake is a good thing. Although we’re not through fetishically manifesting our own apocalypse. And, while I hate remakes (especially through a modern, coldly financial lens), a good LOGAN’S RUN remake would be able to comment on our obsession with YA narratives, youth culture, and runaway materialism. But if this…
This sounds hilarious. Pass.
Thank you!!
Didn’t Matthew Perry also say he had dental work to explain his odd speech on an episode of The Graham Norton Show several years ago?
Thank god there’ll be hair dye during the apocalypse!
I was hoping this was about Falcon/Cap’n America fighting some obscure Marvel villain and then running into ... Man-Thing!
Can we have a moratorium on these Actor Would Love to Do That Role Again stories? These are never news. Of course they want to do it again! They have to pay for rent, drugs, botox, and personal trainers just like the rest of us. Even if they don’t, it would be silly of them to say they wouldn’t (their agents would…
It felt horribly generic to me, very much like a missed opportunity to have fun with a familiar franchise. There is so much opportunity for humor, sophisticated and otherwise, with Star Trek. But the jokes here were hard to find and seemed to be mostly based on “phrasing!” and not wit. I was very disappointed.
The new sitcom UNITED WE FALL starring Puerto Rican actress Christina Vidal starts this month. But going by the cliche-filled promotions, it looks DOA. It’s nice to be represented on network TV, but quality should matter.