the pillow thing is a good idea!
the pillow thing is a good idea!
I just learned a new word! Mentally filing away “sillage” for when I want to throw some shade without anyone I know understanding me, haha.
I am unreasonably excited about this.
I don’t really get why being considerate of others is something to be snarky about. It’s of no real consequence to me, while it might cause someone else to have a migraine, allergic reaction etc. Why would I purposely do something that I know might cause discomfort to others if it has no effect on me?
I really love perfume, but I’m basically to the point where I’m not sure where I’d even wear it. While I may love a scent, I don’t want to cause someone else with scent sensitivities to have a bad time.
Who are you freaks that are looking to bone current day Jax??!?
Lala needs to graduate up to the RHoBH!
ugh, curses. I should have known better than to engage.
Shoot, my gut told me you were a magical girly unicorn that poops madeleines and farts rainbows. I should have gone with my first instinct.
Don’t you have to go chop some wood or catch a fish with your bare hands? Ugh, I miss when men spent less time on women’s blogs and more time being masculine.
My parents don’t have guns, but there are reasons I refuse to take my kid to their house.
The loss I have suffered due to your error is of emotional significance. I would like a full refund of the time it took me to read the explanation of your error. I have also lost my faith in Cherith Cutestory-Chapman.
This warms my heart. I’m on the other side of the country but even though I've lived in NB for years I still get the “you’re from PEI? You MUST know so and so” - and often I do.
fwiw, you would fit in perfectly with me and my mom-buds! During the santa parade everyone brought coffee in their travel mugs and I brought a mason jar full of baileys.
I would totally be into this! I have my core group of gals, but I like meeting other women who are into the same things as me.
I had post partum with both my miscarriage and livebirth. It’s a hell of a thing. THANKS BODY.
As soon as I met with the doctor who would follow my pregnancy (a referral from my family doc), she did an intake interview and we discussed my mental health at length. She told me about my options and at each follow up appointment she was very open about asking me straight forward and indirect questions to gauge…