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haha connais tu "dur dur d'etre un bebe"? A chaque fois que'lle c'est en train de chicaner about whatever je pense a Jordy.

I thought it was for bras and then jeans and then maybe cotton and then wait... isn't that shirt hot, girl no! Let it cool off a bit!

it's funny that you say that because I say "on ne jette pas notre manger a terre" (we don't throw our food on the floor) at least 18 times a day and yet...

right? I was watching this, as a mom of an almost two year old, and was just like... is he reading a teleprompter held by elmo? Wait... is he reading?

It's because their hearts are just so filled with pride and joy that if they don't start clapping they'll DIE. MURICA!

what the wooooorld neeeeeds nooowwwww issss... NONE OF THAT.

I had thought the same thing until I read another comment on a thread above where someone had pointed out that had she gone the other direction and just refused to answer it would have blown up even more. I think it was kind of a lose-lose situation.

I am in love with them but I don't understand nails this length. How do you text?!


Worry not if you have no idea what this means, fellow olds. My google game is on fleek.

I never watch this show, but I kind of feel like I should. Between this and the karaoke segment I am INTO IT.

Thats fair enough! I can recognize that people respect and love her - I just can't really get on that train, personally.

Sort of.

This is what I've been struggling with.

What a weird thing to say.

I am relatively new to eating meat and I remember once this summer going to a restaurant that did smoked BBQ and being really weirded out by the pink-ish chicken on my salad. I was totally expecting grill marks and bbq sauce. I asked the waitress about it (because I may not know anything about meat, but I do know that

Shoot - I commented with a very similar comment before I got into the greys. Bumping this!

It was a well-kept secret that Bill fucked everything that moved

Oh, yeah, it might definitely be worth mentioning then! Do you think he'd try something with a little less impact?

haha I miss 20 y/o Kate too. Where did all that energy go? I also look forward to it, sometimes I get partway and realize I've been running for 20-30 mins and that makes me feel like such a badass.