do you have one in the bathroom? In the kitchen? Front porch? Unless you have one within a foot of you no matter where you are your argument is useless. Unless you live in a single room apartment and think someone is coming to rob you in which :(
do you have one in the bathroom? In the kitchen? Front porch? Unless you have one within a foot of you no matter where you are your argument is useless. Unless you live in a single room apartment and think someone is coming to rob you in which :(
Feel better now?
I was SURE that lost cell phone one was going to be the plot of that Broad City where Abbi looses her phone.
My parents did this one year. For xmas that year they gave us a trip to Disney land. Looking back now, I realize how much they scraped and saved to make to happen and the only way it was possible was to go on the "off" season. They'd never have been able to pay the rates during peak times, which coincide with school…
I'll often do entire sentences in emoji. It's just a silly thing some buds and I do. I have no problem using the proper terminology when necessary (I worked in sexual health for a while, definitely not shy), but in text conversation with friends I'll often defer to the banana.
I only want it if the sea glass is neutrally coloured.
Exactly, you're yotally right. I wouldn't say that all assholes are products of their parents but in this case, specifically she seems incredibly enabling.
If there comes a time where your girls need someone to help them through anything you just give them my email.
I use:
I think part of this could also mean finding relationships that aren't necessarily romantic, but still very meaningful. I've realized in recent years that while I love my partner and am so incredibly grateful to have him in my life, but that my other friendships are also a huge part of the thing that makes me whole.
Exactly, it's like mom hasn't actually admitted that her son raped someone, took pictures and sent them to everyone.
As I read I couldn't decide if the kid or the mom pissed me off more. Then I got to this;
We are.
I'm not sure if this will be of any consolation to you (although, I hope it is) but I grew up with a mom who has a chronic condition and our relationship is strained to this day. I think about it all the time (especially now that I have my own kid) and try to reason why I feel so resentful of her (when normally, I am…
Ha! Clearly my (and their) brains didn't even register.
I'm pretty sure its like, 99% lycra and 1%patriarchy.
think "left hand side of the urban decay 'naked' palette"
I don't know about that...
I use bronzer as I would a light blush. Very lightly across the apple part of my cheeks. I only use it in the summer/early fall though, without a base tan it kind of looks weird....
Is spanx-burning the new bra-burning?