
but it's not like you buy single portions of all the pizza toppings or buy regular sized items and throw whatever you don't use out. If you but all the things you'd want on a pizza I'd wager most (if not all) of what's leftover can be easily repurposed so it is much cheaper.

Woah. That is a bold move.

Sometimes I wonder about this and if the roles were reversed

Yeah, I read an interview and she's saying things like "I wish I had months to prepare so I could've gotten a super skinny body" and it just makes me sad.

This (coupled with the awful pictures popping back up on Gawker) bummed me out so badly.

Reason # 349 I can't be a judge:

I can't hate on this, it's simple and pretty and meaningful.

everything is ruined! Nothing will ever be the same!


(I meant brblolling's head)

Oh, I know that B was joking. I was poking fun at brblolling to B. I'm stressed. This is stressful.

comment notifications are stressing me out. I'm going to go lie down.

it does make a difference, although I don't think that it matters QUITE AS MUCH AS HE THINKS! ALL THE YELLiNG!


I'm in the same boat, I avoided them like the plaque until I found a few pairs and girl, they look bangin'. Today I am wearing what I believe to be a crossover between mom jeans and skinny jeans and I love them so much.

Skinny leg opening means that they're be tight around the ankle but baggier in the legs? Like denim "hammer pants"? No thanks.

TOTALLY. I want to be on that outing so badly.

I think it is a point, but if I would hazard a guess about why socialized medicine seems impossible to implement it would have less to do with population size and more to do with public perceptions/vocal response.

I did catch that, I was trying to show a parallel between a country that was relatively similar to the US (and while not as gigantic and powerful and 'murica as the US, would hardly be considered a small country), but still manages to pull off socialized health care.

Wait, Canada ISN'T in Europe? Phew. Thanks for clearing that up, no wonder my passport application keeps getting denied.