Does it make you feel better trying to shame women based on your very limited personal experience? Did making this comment help you sleep better?
Does it make you feel better trying to shame women based on your very limited personal experience? Did making this comment help you sleep better?
I remember taking one of the pre-natal classes that was about breastfeeding and the entire thing was basically a 3 hour session about why feeding your baby is AWFUL. I wrote a pretty long evaluation, basically explaining that I was planning on breastfeeding (and I did, for 3 months before basically having a nervous…
My feelings EXACTLY. I tried SO friggen hard and it just didn't work. I cried all the time and basically resented my baby. Breastmilk is awesome. Formula is awesome. Do what you need to do to make sure your mentally/physically okay.
I had a similar situation and hated breastfeeding. There was so much pressure to do it, even though it just wasn't working for us. I still get really anxious whenever I think about it. People tried to be helpful, encouraging me to keep at it because I "should want to do it because 'breast is best'" and it wasn't until…
Oh, shoot. I misunderstood.
Same here, except I get little patches of red in there too.
I remember seeing this but never buying it because I thought it was just for people with blonde hair, and now I learn that I could have basked in easy, salty, beach hair?!
Not only that, but if your email is super cutesy or dorky or just weird you should consider getting a professional email as well.
my boss and I were just talking about and how dark a time that was.
I think there's a transition where it's going from "tacky" to acceptable. I think that there used to be a much stronger stigma around talking about money, but now that we're all broke it's more common place to talk about finances openly.
I'm not sure if the places I've lived (Charlottetown, Fredericton, Moncton) count as smaller centers (relative to Montreal or even Halifax, I suppose), but we get both - the obnoxious street harassment and the other small town bullshit you mention.
I'm also Canadian (NB) and just this morning got catcalled by some dude, from his car as I crossed the street. In the past 3 years alone I've had a stalker (who has since been imprisoned, only partly for the shit he did to me) and have had some many creepy comments as I'm out in public etc.
I'm calling shenanigans. There is no way this is a real story.
No, no - it's okay for everyone to be snarking about her *gasp* clearly not being a virgin, and how dare she *gasp* wear white... because that is just "the culture of where they're from".
That is way to reasonable and kind a response for a jez article about Kim.
Major side eye to all the "I can't believe she's wearing WHITE" I'm seeing here/on the rest of the internet. Come on.
YUP. Adding that to the old vacab.
I agree, and I don't think you need to get over yourself. What a silly, dismissive thing to say to someone after you've just said "this is something I think about a lot". Yesh.
took me a minute