
Ouff, I hadn't even considered the adoptive family oddly enough. I'm torn - I feel like she deserves to see her kid, to have a relationship with him... but you're right, they are now his parents. I feel like they're going to have to tell him sooner than later though, I mean - 14 isn't THAT young. I feel (and really,

All of this is so horrible that my brain just does not compute - I am weepy thinking of her son not recognizing her anymore. I feel like she would have had hope all that time that she would see him again and it just breaks my heart, both for her and her kid. I can't imagine how confusing this must be for him too.

LOVE the colours, hate the dress.

I am out of touch and don't know who he is but I am loving his outfit so much

truth, she looked absolutely stunning

I got mine last night too. That must mean that I spend too much time here.

feeling: the eyeliner, the cummerbunds

Holy mac. Beyonce and Anne Hathaway have my (useless) votes. Honourable mention to Janelle Monae who is always such a badass and I love it so much.

You are definitely right - I wouldn't want my early twenties held against me either. I just have a hard time letting stuff like that go, maybe he has changed but I suppose the onus is on him to prove that he's not an asshole anymore.

For good good? Or just for one episode? Oh frig, I hope he's not back for good.

"It's a fashion club now," Turney said. "The days of wearing our old workout shorts and ratty T-shirts are over."

girl, am I ever glad to see that "ex" there. Fuuuuck that, yoga pants are heaven.

Relatively off-topic, but seeing Preston Burke made me cringe. Both for Christina and because he made those shitty comments that got him fired in the first place.

I have a really bad habit of listening to conversations that are happening around me. I don't actively try to hear them, but my brain is a nosy jerk and I just pick it up. It's as if I'm listening to the radio in between channels and can hear ALL OF THE THINGS. Sometimes I like it because I'm interested in whats

No. You aren't. Making really inflammatory, outrageous statements. You're being a jerk for the sake of being argumentative and it's pathetic.

Aren't you done now? I thought you "got it". See ya.

Right? It's just so completely pathetic.

I'm sorry your parents didn't love you enough.

I know I'm just feeding a troll here, but seriously, shut the fuck up and go back to devouring 4chan from your parents basement.

A new beginning can mean more than retreating into privacy and trying to push everything that happened down in her belly, for her it looks like it means starting fresh but continuing to tell her story and it's a perfectly fine way to start her new life.