
Beyond this being dangerous for actual victims of domestic abuse, I think it’s kind of self-congratulatory and gross to think that just taking part in a viral campaign is in any way doing any real good. Donate money, volunteer somewhere, but making a status update or tweet in instagram post does nothing but make the

Thank you for the first person I have met who acknowledges that sometimes women do experience emotional baggage from abortions. I had to start an entirely new account because I commented that while most women don’t have lingering guilt or regrets, some still do and was bombarded by angry responses that women do not in

You need to know that what you’re doing is called “victim blaming”. you must be able to see how your argument could be extended to victims of rape, right?

I thought the whole point of being “pro-choice” was to respect that it is a fucking choice and this woman does not want to do that.

Except that the only way she could have mitigated that damage would be by violating her personal beliefs and potentially behaving in what she feels in an unethical manner. It doesn’t matter whether you and I agree with her on that. She wanted neither another child nor an abortion, she got birth control sorted out (as

Well, since she’s the one who’d be getting the abortion, it’s really her personal beliefs that matter in this situation, not yours, isn’t it?

She is in this predicament because of medical malpractice. She nor her personal beliefs are responsible the sheer negligence of the clinic’s staff.