
I don’t know. I do know she likes being tied up. According to a former bodyguard of hers. That I might have screwed.

I was in a dark hole and honestly, it took a medication kick in the pants. If you’re feeling like this something needs to change fast. I was crying every day and not even willing to leave the house and butrowing into negativity and now I am succeeding and happy again. Do something you know you’re good at - when you’re

Oh for fucks sake.

Comgrats! Now let go of control because you’re about to lose all of it. From when you actually get pregnant to the whole pregnancy and the years beyond, control won’t be much a possibility. So just take your folic acid, try hard (teehee) and hope for the best!

Take everyone’s advice, mull it over and store it away in the back of your head, and then go with your gut.

Some people don’t expect that much of their friends. For me, I don’t have family and my friends are the only people I rely on in this fucked up world and if they hurt me I’m like NOPE! It was hard learning that my notion of friendship isn’t necessarily the norm. I’m sorry your friend was/is a shit. You deserve to have

time to demote that friend to acquaintance. You can still hang out, but she’s not trustworthy and doesn’t deserve your loyalty.

Reading that was extremely calming. Thank you for sharing.

I can tell you that “Inbred People Playing with Knives, Ends Poorly For the Ginger One” is something that happens around my white family quite often.

I love the low-key mom-ish guilt implied in this tweet.

They also considered dropping an anvil on his head.

I am a sales director and I lead a team of about 100 people. One of the things that I am proud of is that I have helped two women who work for me leave abusive spouses. I have strategized, supported, and done everything I could to not only say I believe you but put the full weight of my authority into making it

My husband used the word shade around his parents, so I felt the need to give a 10-minute explanation of the word, its origin, and correct usage— specifically throwing shade vs. a read. Near minute nine I realized I misjudged my audience and no one cared. I still finished strong and feel like I made the world a better

Or just one invitation to go fuck herself.

Blah blah blah crostinis blah blah blah engagement ring blah blah blah risotto. The engagement comes almost two years after lady’s boyfriend was found dead in a hotel room.

I read that last line as “Jew controlled goblinist”

But oh man, having the time and money to spend three hours at the gym everyday with a personal trainer?

“Yet you’ll probably vote for Chelsea Clinton someday”