
I know.

She tried to out Rei, Rei Kawakubo.

her two-date tour

Sometimes (okay, frequently) I think, “if I ate better, I could be skinnier”, but then I see shit like this. A flat tummy and skinny arms are not worth this. Nothing is.

I wish! I found Loki and his (sadly now passed) brother Bartleby as two strays. Named them after the “angels” from Dogma. You can tell around what eras we found our kitties, we also have a Sookie (True Blood) and a Skyler (Breaking Bad)

I usually don’t complain about typos but these were distracting in quantity and level of obscuring real meaning.

She is almost 51. Can a peri-menopausal/menopausal woman not play with her newly acquired belly fat? I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA.

She looks fantastic, and that also looks 100% like a baby bump.

to be fair I did say *quite* a few 😉

Just a heads up, there are quite a few typos.

My thighs stand between my phone and an ignoble toilet-death.

It sounds like a real life version of The Black Crusaders, only benevolent.

My friends and I have adopted the term ‘saltmates’ because when we get together we all end up bitching about the same shit. So, like soulmates, except we all hate the same things.

You’re talking about Blake Lively hitting traffic? Seriously? There has to be some better gossip than that.

That was taped days ago, and children are always dying.

Both. We can talk about both.

That’s not really fair. As goddamn stupid as this is, it was taped before Manchester. It’s not like Katy interrupted a live broadcast of the events last night to be all “but wait, my dancers.”

Bad date for a dude = bruised ego

Based on this guy’s INSANE overreaction and creepy AF efforts to track her down to get his money back, my guess is the date had already been going horribly and she was looking for a way out. I can’t believe there are responses on this thread saying they’re equally shitty people. She texted in a movie; he is contacting