I kinda need this on a bumper sticker or a pin or something.
I kinda need this on a bumper sticker or a pin or something.
I’ve never been able to just type in my card number from memory before but I somehow just did and bought this shirt.
Yeah I take 225s and they ain't nothin to fuck with. I don't love venlafaxine but can't really argue with its efficacy.
Oh man, such virtue. I can’t resist those toasty buns.
Venlafaxine, holla @ my stupid night sweats and immediate withdrawal if I miss a dose!
I’m hugging you rn hope that’s ok.
“Look, we got dumber!”
Nooo it's a warm quiet place for drinking and reading where other people can't bother you.
If it was somehow feasible, I would live my life in the shower.
Reading that book at 8am in February of my freshman year of college really, really bummed me out.
Who cares why she chose to stay alive? It worked, and that's what matters, right?
Also South Korea! Some really cool work being done there as well.
I wish she’d get shitty tattoos from a good artist, if that makes sense. Sean from Texas comes to mind. Her shit is baaaad. But yeah, she definitely looks trailery.
I wonder this all the time. There are so many talented artists out there that are so easy to find. I have a wish list of several artists I want to work with and I slowly chip away at that when I have the money.
Lol no? Go away because you are wrong and annoying and you've figured out our harpy secret.
Actually a really common form of fgm is called infibulation and they take the labia minora and clitoris off and sew the labia majora together, leaving only a tiny hole.
Why don't you go away then and stop talking to us harpies before we peck your hypothetical magic foreskin to oblivion
This was a great tedtalk.
I was getting so frustrated with this kid and that picture made me laugh so hard I woke my partner up. Thank you, I'm saving that.