
She’s *hoping* to have a natural, drug-free home birth in water...it hasn’t happened yet. I presume if it all goes pear shaped (and birth *can* go pear shaped, despite all the positive thinking in the world) she has a plan B involving all the drugs and interventions necessary to save her life and that of her baby.

The first few comments when I read the post were people telling her she’s wrong about not vaccinating so at least there’s that. Of course then there were the “if vaccines work then why not just vaccinate your own child HAHA GOTCHA” idiots.

Right? Like... what was she expecting, exactly?

Yup. I had a friend who was planning a very crunchy granola birth....but her kid apparently had other plans, including requiring IVF in order to exist and then getting stuck in some weird position in the womb that essentially mandated a caesarian.

Yup, 100% agree.

And, if you don’t know what it’s like to have the entire world openly criticize, judge, throw uninformed opinions, and curse you - try being an openly pregnant vegan on Instagram, having a natural, drug-free home birth in water with a midwife and doula, who has the intention of raising a vegan child, without

Color me not surprised. Too bad given there’s so many misconceptions about the tattoos that I’m sure she’s fought against.

As a tattoo artist who has had to regularly protect herself and her clients from blood-borne illnesses, she should really know better.

Kelly, you’re totally right!

I saw this and was totally bummed by it. I love her and her makeup line, but damn, I can’t support that. And yes, I love how she buried it in a long list of ok things. I had to read that sentence twice because I thought I’d looked at it wrong. Looking at the comments on the post is also frustrating because lots of

She shouldn’t be allowed to enroll her child into school or travel by air with them anymore without shot records.

“move the fuck on”. Bitch, I would, except your fucking petri dish of a kid will be out in the wild with my kid so I can’t. How about YOU move the fuck on to another planet where your shitty choices won’t affect me?

Being an anti-vaxxer is basically the same as being a flat-earther, except that their scientific illiteracy could cost the life or their child or other children that they come into contact with.

I saw this post last night and read the comments. One person congratulated her for not listening to doctors and trusting her own judgement.

If and when her child comes down with a childhood illness that we effectively wiped out in the U.S. 70 years ago, I promise I won’t crow and strut or unnecessarily mention her previous social media posts.

Unfortunately idiots do exist and unvaccinated idiots can carry deadly diseases and infect non-idiots.

If you’re medical decision making is based on, “But [celebrity] doesn’t [standard medical practice], so I won’t, either,” you’re an idiot.

I’m glad she feels judged. I’m judging the hell out of her for her anti-vax stance. She’s old enough to understand science. And she’s old enough to understand the responsibility she has to other people’s children.

Hmm wonder how many people moved to NY after watching SATC in the 90s....