
There was this guy in my apartment complex who would play music as loud as his sound system could attempt to at all hours. After a couple months of this, and multiple police visits and entreaties by residents to the landlord, he apparently tripped and smashed his head into every single one of the speakers, and

IF someone has to become a garbage collector, it should be THIS kind of garbage collector.

So I’m in my mid 30s, male and my first child is due any day. This series reminded me of the awful shit I endured in highschool and also that being female is much much worse for many at that age. It got me thinking what I’m going to need to prepare for in the upcoming years.

I haven’t watched it either but I’ve have friends who have and have come away with the opposite opinion. It seems there are pretty polarizing opinions on the show. Some people really are drawn in and others really dislike it.

I’ve watched both seasons, and it’s a show I really like. There’s certain things that I like, certain things that could be done better... but I think that’s the case for more shows.

9 times out of 10, the sommelier at the fancy restaurant is just a member of the wait staff working a different post, or one of the owners trying to look fancy.    

Haven’t watched it, don’t really have a desire to. However...

I mean, I kind of have to agree. I’m getting real sick of the people who watch things “ironically” or watch things with the intent that they know they’re going to hate it. Y’all are why Fuller House keeps getting new seasons while One Day At A Time struggles to get watchers.

Yeah, I mean, I can’t really say anything about it one way or another because I haven’t watched it.

So Jezebel is siding with a conservative Catholic censorship advocacy group on this one? That’s... Interesting.

The Parents Television Council, meanwhile, went full sans hinge with their condemnation, saying that Netflix “already potentially has the blood of children on their hands.”

How did you get my ATM receipt!?!

Yes, please. From now on just use polite terms for Ivanka....like soulless grifter. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?

oh oops dropped this

The at-the-table presentation is basically a quick double check: did they bring you the wine you ordered, and has the wine gone bad. You do the same kind of thing every time you open the milk carton in the fridge and give it a quick sniff to make sure it hasn’t gone sour.

I’m not a kid, but yeah, these guys certainly pull it off with style. I might do this when I retire; just walking around, picking up trash, looking like a badass.

Now to throw away this trash, starting with your waifu.

Humans are terrible

So you’re judging people for their clothing while confirming your willingness to stereotype people. On an article about people cleaning up their community.

The Japanese have to do EVERYTHING with style. Some kid is seriously going to say he wants to become a garbage collector because of this. :)