I didn’t, and now I’m getting divorced. I told him he could have all of our Ikea furniture.
I didn’t, and now I’m getting divorced. I told him he could have all of our Ikea furniture.
So do all the people waiting in line behind you for just black, three sugars.
@Ingrid Michaelson: Your barista hates you.
Or plot twist, the baby is born with the reddest hair and it was actually Ed Sheeran the entire time.
My roommate made me take this pic in the grocery store.
Can you imagine how much it must suck to not be able to leave your house, lest the paparazzi photograph you at your worst? I would be bored and climbing the walls in 3 days. No wonder he's depressed.
Hit Girl works alone.
Tyga and his landlord are not in a great place right now.
Birth control should be fucking free, period.
I don’t wear perfume.
I’m 38 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I’m already overwhelmed by the cost of diapers. We’re trying to cushion the blow a little by buying bulk diapers every time we go to the store and can afford to drop $40+ extra. The cost of diapers combined with unpaid maternity leave is a major burden, and we’re still so…
I was reading about this on a mommy (ugh, mommy) blog the other day, and I wondered how long I’d have to scroll before i read the inevitable “Well if you can’t afford babies you shouldn’t have them.” Well it didn’t take long. Luckily that person was trounced on by other mom. With that being said, I’ve donated my…
I didn’t think I cold love Obama anymore than I did. God, I was wrong. And for whatever troll comes in here talking about cloth diapers, cleaning those gets expensive too. Money for the Laundromat, getting to the Laundromat, etc. ..
My greatest regret in life is not being Rihanna.
i don’t know if this matters, or if i’ll even phrase this well, or if i am even right in writing this...so i apologize if i do not say it well...
Well, you can’t dog whistle racism if you allow for the possibility that a black guy did a good job at something.
Painful and RISKY.