
LOL! Someone who needs Jesus! (And, apparently, a jacket.)

And church dinners! Don’t forget, some people go to church because they genuinely enjoy it. And the rest of those bastards are there because they NEED to be at church!

I don’t know. Things sometimes cook entirely differently in a smaller container like that/some things just don’t work so well miniaturized (to that degree.) But if you do it, I for one would like to know how it turns out.

Napkins, paper towels, paper cups and plates, plastic wrap, that sort of thing. I had a friend who can’t cook that brought garbage bags one year, and my mother loved it.

Mine is not the family’s best, but if the family’s best is not available, I am who gets the call.

Pff. They don’t bother looking for missing black anything unless it’s their Labrador.

We’re a baked family. Cook the macaroni, drain it, toss it with a little butter and LET IT COMPLETELY COOL. Make a basic Béchamel, add your cheeses (I use smoked gruyere, aged gouda and white cheddar,) a tablespoon of really good mustard, salt (if necessary,) white pepper or quatre epices, fresh Italian parsley and

That is something that needs to be discussed. Is it safe to take the actual cookware/bakeware, or are you having Thanksgiving at that relative’s house where everything had better be disposable because you know you won’t ever see it again if it isn’t? It wasn’t even the nice Corningware, it was the piece from the

Hey Martha, can I come over?


Have you tried ember-roasted shallots? Try ember-roasted shallots some time!

You tell her she’s not allowed to bring anything but paper products until she learns her ass how to cook.

It was awesome! But yeah, I didn’t want to see a potato (or any cabbage or kale) for about the next month!

“That said, may the force of all the seasoning and spices that white people colonized the entire globe for—but still refuse to use—be with you this Thanksgiving.” This may be the funniest thing I’ve read recently. But it’s relatively recent. Until everyone had access to them, they were using ALL THE SPICES in ALL THE

Three types of colcannon made by four different family members. And plain mash. And potato rolls. And someone’s wife from actual Ireland brought scalloped potatoes because “this is what you eat?” And someone’s black girlfriend brought potato salad because “they Irish, right?” And friend’s mom made sweet potatoes

Maybe try some where the principal role isn’t a soprano? La Cenerentola and Carmen are probably two of the most often performed where the sopranos take a backseat.

Did the whole Ring, just to see if I could take it. I could. My version of a marathon; there are problems, you ask yourself why you’re doing it, at the end you wish you hadn’t and your ass is sore, and you feel slightly stupid for doing it throughout. Wagner, for all his problems, did write some beautiful music (which

I would have liked to reply to you yesterday, but...well, kinja. If actually going to the opera house/theater is not for you, why not check with movie theaters in your area? Many of them show the simulcasts from the Met, but you do often have to call and ask what the schedule is. Opera is not for the rich, or the

Yeah, I was going to recommend Scotch. May I also recommend hiding the bottle after? Your wife’s coworkers can drink something other than your good single malt.

This is so right. ALWAYS use your server’s knowledge of the menu to your advantage. I have had some absolutely fantastic meals that I otherwise might not have tried all via server recommendation.