
We’ve got one here in Des Moines, and the first one I ever went to was in Maryland. There is (or was, anyway) at least one in Virginia Beach when I was a kid, too.

You’ve really never tried coffee? I hope you like it when you do...but you probably won’t, if you don’t like bitter things. (And fish at breakfast is awesome. Not enough people seem to know that.)

I think they should do an old Old Spice style prank with Isaiah Mustafa as Santa and Terry Crews as Jesus for her Christmas intro.

Yeah. I don’t understand why everyone is having such a hard time with Elliot basically saying “whoa, I don’t want to kill a building full of people” when that is a direct callback to season one, where Mr.Robot wanted to blow up the Steel Mountain facility using the gas lines and Elliot didn’t want to/refused to do

Plus there’s the whole “we’ve known each other since we were eight.” Maybe she just doesn’t see you that way...because you’ve known each other since you were eight.

Eh. If she’s gone grey, she’s too old to grab by the pussy.

I’m confused. How is “just don’t be an absolute shitstain of a person” a lifehack? Oh, wait...that’s not their advice, it’s to picture every single woman you may have to interact with as The Rock.

Yeah. It was definitely a cut your losses situation when I found out what was going on and why I was the one losing all of my friends. Also brought back the necessity to examine friendships and figure out “is this person my friend or am I their friend or are we each other’s friends?” It’s never really worth sustaining

Why make a device? Why not just an app? I would have thought that would make more sense financially and market-wise, since they say they’re banking on nostalgia.

Not if they just sit quietly on a shelf, but we’re talking about Megyn Kelly here...

Yes, but you were clear about it. It doesn’t sound from the article as if she was. That’s where the doubt comes in. What exactly did she say? Because giving half an answer and then expecting people to guess or mind-read is setting yourself up for failure. You may know what you mean, but that doesn’t mean everyone else

Yeah. Really more information is needed before any of us can make any real value judgment. That she explains her fear as being seen as a nag and nothing else makes me think that she’s not afraid of him reacting physically. If she sees asking for something once and being specific about what she wants being nagging, and

It really depends on her. I’ve been on the opposite side of that, voiced my concerns to a friend who had already been in one abusive relationship, lost the friend, and then when she finally got out of it lost more friends because “she didn’t make sure I understood. She didn’t want me to be happy. She’s selfish. She’s

How the fuck is it even possible that his charges didn’t show up? Kidnapping, false imprisonment, multiple counts of rape against a child...what the fuck?

Why isn’t anyone stopping this woman?

I don’t know. It sounds to me as if she wanted a professional deep clean of the house, and he assumed that she just didn’t want to clean the house herself. It’s possible that she needed to be more specific and he needed to more actively listen. That they both failed to say anything that would have prevented this issue

I’m pretty sure the “you’re so pretty, you’re so pretty” was code for “you fucking dumbass.”

But insurance costs are astronomical.

Why don’t these assholes just go ahead and set the Treasury on fire? It’d be a better use of the taxes we pay than crap like this.

Does anywhere still require hairnets? I haven’t seen any in so long that I had started to doubt it.