
Baristas are largely dealing with steam in addition to hot liquids. And there’s still the question of chemicals used to clean, although if it’s just a kiosk, it’s unlikely that they’re using any of the solvents that were in use at the last restaurant I worked at when it was time for closing. So yes, you have a point.

The thing that bothers me most about places like bikini barista stands and bikini bars is how exposed the employees are. Food service work is not free of hazards, particularly when dealing with hot liquids and cleaning fluids/solutions. Then add slip/trip hazards and (for bikini bartenders) garnishing equipment/knives

Yep. That adequately describes the taste.

Full-length pants. It’s about to get cold as fuck here, so none of this cropped or ankle-baring nonsense!

It freaks me out because it looks so uncomfortable. Like when you see that one big-assed friend who’s crack is devouring her skirt. How the hell do you not feel that?

There are different types/degrees. Have some Wikipedia. Not complete/comprehensive, but it gives you some idea.

Well that’s understandable, but it’s not like your average t0 above average surgeon and OR crew is going to start playing tic-tac-toe with your subcutaneous fat while narrating the game like an Argentinian football match either, which is the kind of bullshit that’s going on in the article.

How is it anyone’s germy-ass smartphone could be allowed in to what’s supposed to be a sterile (as we can get it) OR anyway? That’s one of the biggest parts I don’t understand here.

How would “getting small” help people who thought they were hearing fireworks at the beginning of the shooting? Help me out here, because by this idiot’s reasoning, everyone in that audience should have immediately known they were being shot at or something?

People need to stop referring to them as “the Trump children.” These people are adult criminals committing (at least) fraud, not children.

Huh, I thought that was J.Crew relatable faux-tweed. But then again, it is time for new glasses.

Has it never occurred to you that some of us black people have seen our family’s farms lost to corporations like Tyson and Smithfield? You know, even if you can’t fathom it?

Ugh, let’s not even talk about it. There was SO much they could have done (and could have done so much better) with the Japan story/stories.

It can. But how often does/can/will a studio take that risk? It’s just like in Terminator 2 when Joe Morton decides to go along and raid the facility with them, you knew he was going to die.

I didn’t know this was based on a romance novel, although I suppose the title should have clued me in. I’m so disappointed. I was hoping for a Jack London-type survival story (AND NOTHING ELSE!) But at least my excuse for not wanting to go to the movies (“have you seen the absolute shit that’s being released?”) with

We all knew they were going to die from the moment they showed up. I’m just glad they were a normal, farming family, not an “urban” family.

Yeah. A new and uglier Muslim ban would be enacted.

Is ISIS just claiming ties to everything now? What about this has anything to do with...much of anything?

Some of us have shitty balance and weak ankles. A low heel is the only heel we can manage without hurting ourselves.

I don’t think that Donna’s going to take the job. Diane said that it was not something she could half-ass her way through, and all season Donna’s been inadvertently heading down the tubes at that firm. I think, with Gordon dying and Hayley being such a mess and who knows how Gordon’s death will affect Joanie, that