
I think that she’s working for the government, and just can’t see it yet. She’s been completely uncritical when it comes to Alexa, and I think that’s going to turn out to be a big mistake for her.

Yeah, I know. It’s always best to clarify, if you can, so I do (or try to, but sometimes there’s not much point.)

Like I said below, I’m not arguing that she’s not in the wrong. Just that there may not have been an alternative airline for her to take.

I’m not arguing that she’s not wrong (and being either too lazy or inconsiderate to call ahead to check if she really does have a deathly allergy pretty much is the definition of wrong,) just that there may only have been that carrier. It’s not unusual. If a pet-free airline doesn’t service your area, they don’t

You know what. You just took this from “still kind of fun” to “you don’t want to go there” so bye.

I do love that she uses a toilet emoji instead of Trump’s name.

You do realize that sometimes there’s no other option, right? Not every airline goes everywhere, this flight may have been her only available choice.

And, as I mentioned on another article and got called “ignorant” for my trouble, those licensing, certification and marking loopholes really need to be closed up good and tight. Situations like the one in this article are exactly why.

She is, and is a cousin to one of my mother’s closest friends.

We had entire black towns, but I’m going to let you all keep your illusions that there/we are the only three black people in Iowa.

Both grits and polenta have both gotten overhyped with the accompanying hike in price. I substitute well-seasoned farina (and also save myself some time.) There’s no reason to pay so much for/to cook your own po’ folks food.

Chicken skin “croutons” on a chicken-based chef’s salad are awesome. But I think she’s talking solely about fried chicken with the skin still on. Which is like...half the point of (good, see comment about my mother up above) fried chicken. And yes on the greens too. Sautéed not boiled is the way to go! (Plus that way

Thanks! I’ll have to swing by TJ’s and pick a couple up to try.

Thanks! I’ll have to swing by TJ’s and pick a couple up to try.

She might have only ever been exposed to fried chicken like my mother’s though. The most outstanding question of which was “how did you cut up a chicken and end up with 11 pieces,” when we really should have asked (but didn’t quite dare to) “how can it taste bitter and slightly burnt and be soggy at the same time?”

I’ll agree with you on grits, but secretly (not so secretly,) I love farina. And beef bacon is hands down the best use of a cow there is.

Me too, I like my yolks gooey not solid, and my mother looks at me like I’m crazy. I always thought yolks loose enough to run and drip all over everything was a white (British or WASP) thing!

Any suggestions for other brands of candles? The BBW candles always give me searing migraines.

Any suggestions for other brands of candles? The BBW candles always give me searing migraines.

If it’s Al Roker in a Santa suit, let’s see if she’s actually dumb enough to say something about it. (Quick, somebody tweet Al Roker!)

It’s been all week for me. They finally came back this afternoon, but there are some articles where I can still only see the top half of the top comment (which has been going on for months now.)

Yeah, but like in Debra Messing’s case, I don’t think that NBC is being up front with people about it being Megyn Kelly, I think they’re just booking people to go on Today and then shunting them over to Kelly.