
So this is finally moving again? The webcomic was dormant for so long that I think I deleted my shortcut to it.

The best graham crackers I’ve made had a little dusting of baking spice in them and BS (BS, by the way, is why I prefer to just call it baking spice ;p) mixed with powdered maple sprinkled over the top just before baking. Because BS always makes me think of graham crackers anyway when I smell it, not of any sort of

What, doctor shopping? Yeah, it is. People do it for everything from just wanting attention, to wanting drugs to wanting...well, this kind of crap.

Ah, I take it back then. You are, in fact, ketchupping properly. Traditionally, even.

I wanted to respond, but I couldn’t figure that out either. I had a friend with BD. It’s nothing to joke about or conflate with other issues. It’s a very real psychological disorder and I didn’t want to try and discuss it with someone who may have just been trolling.

If you’re ever looking for plastic surgery, mention something that sounds like most people might consider it a little dodgy and that’s the response, please run as fast as you can in the opposite direction until you reach a plastic surgeon with some fucking ethics. Plastic surgery is surgery, and the risks are no joke.

She doesn’t. She’s German. Most of her work is done in Eastern Europe.

Different countries have very different standards of care and acceptability. Big’s German, but I believe she had said she’s been going to Eastern Europe for most of her surgeries, so chances are she just looks around until she finds someone who’ll do what she wants somewhere that it’s not illegal.

Well, I’m black, so I don’t have that particular problem...

Oh, god, I saw that and was like “aside from who names their baby LinkIn, who put an o instead of a d in LinkedIn?” Did not even cross my mind that it was incredibly odd that someone might name their baby LinkedIn because honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if someone has.

To be fair, in a lot of places, pumpkin just means squash/marrow. I think it’s here in the US that we started screwing things up with our over-specific but not specific-enough random use of pumpkin the vegetable, as opposed to pumpkin the word.


Pumpkin pie spice, apple pie spice, pie spice, baking spice and cake spice are almost identical spice blends. From some companies, they are identical. It’s usually a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves and allspice.

Me too.

I get so fucking sick of people side-eying me when I mention how little I like chocolate. But what am I going to say “hey, you know there are other ways to get this fat, right?”

What kind of plastic ketchup are you getting? Real (tomato) ketchup will go bad, refrigerate it! (Unless you’re eating it on absolutely everything and go through it really quickly, which...well that’s a whole other issue, I guess.)

Many implants are saline, so water likely doesn’t hurt worse than an actual, sealed implant would. The danger comes from there being a constant exposure to bacteria. Even though she has medical ports in, tissue expanders are not intended to be used as a permanent “enhancement” device the way an implant is (and

There’s a medical port towards her underarm. They didn’t show it (directly/specifically) on the show, but you could tell where it was because it’s not sealed and there was leakage/seepage. It looked like she was constantly pitting out. As far as how you fill them, you use a large syringe. Basically it’s like injecting

I’m so disappointed. I wanted their list of stolen items to be mostly lotion, hair oil and doo-rags.

Yeah, there needs to be some actual work done to more clearly define the line between a service animal that must be properly trained and certified and can go anywhere, and a “service animal” that is essentially untrained/self trained and should have restrictions on where it can be/has to be allowed. As well, there