What about lutes? I play a bard in Dungeons and Dragons and I'm a huge hit with the ladies.
What about lutes? I play a bard in Dungeons and Dragons and I'm a huge hit with the ladies.
I'm originally from Texas, with some other Southern states thrown into my early-childhood mix, then a move to Northern Virginia, CT, and NY after that, and have learned to be a good mimic as well. But, dissertation ahead.
Y'all is an excellent gender-neutral word EVERYONE should use. Keep it!
I just douche with pumpkin spice lattes for the same effect.
Wardrobe should include: Driving mocs, Barbour coat, Half-Zips (at least 3, please send pics if possible), Ray-Bans (Wayfarers or Clubmastesr preferred, but open to other styles), loafers, Patagonia vest(s), Vineyard Vines, basketball shorts for me to sleep in
Sorry guys, I must just be at the time in my cycle where I'm more sensitive to bullshit woo-woo "science" studies.
Frankly, you don't have to even be really tall for this to be a problem. I'm 5'9" and my knees are jammed into the seat in front of me when it's fully upright, on virtually every airplane. People who recline hate sitting in front of me.
Side note: I love that the wall is decorated like Mario. That's a cute touch.
I'm always reminded of a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon in which Calvin complains of the heat, Hobbes suggests that he wear shorts in stead of pants, and Calvin responds that he *is* wearing shorts he just has short legs. Bring back the high n' tight shorts!
I'm a furnace who's always freezing, he's a normal-temped person who's always over heating, so I basically chase him across the bed across all seasons. "But I'm freezing and I loooove you!" "Holy crap, woman, you're on fire! Get off, get off!"
Assertion not in evidence. Demonstrate that having women in combat positions hurts the military. Then demonstrate that this change to the military hurts "all of us."
Remember that list of Cosmo's Craziest Food-Related Sex Tips from a while back? One of our readers volunteered to…
I went to a spirit healer and found out that my aura is a Crusader Aura. Which is nice because it gives me an additional 10% speed while mounted, which really comes in handy in battlegrounds.
Doesn't hold a candle to the Dovahkiin:
Did you see this one ?
Nutty bars at 17? Did you suffer some kind of tastebud accident as a child and now your mouth is all messed up and filled with bad opinions?
I feel like you seriously missed out by not including Go-Gurt. Because who doesn't want to eat unnaturally brightly colored yogurt from a tube! Also the two-tone Trix yogurt.
All designers should have to do a Hippocratic Oath of sorts.
"someone made a joke about a girl"