the bangs in this movie were insane. that’s my entire review.
the bangs in this movie were insane. that’s my entire review.
I have to disagree with you here. I cancelled my membership at my old gym specifically because of this. While using the treadmill closest to the front counter, I could hear every comment that employees were making about the overweight members who came through the door. Things like “Why does he even bother?” and making…
Probably the last actress in the world that I worry about is Jennifer.
Your childhood can’t be destroyed. It already happened. If this movie is a dud, you can still watch the original Mary Poppins and enjoy it for what it was.
I want this to be it:
But we’ll find out if Disney destroyed the childhoods of legions of OG Poppins fans soon enough
Look of course under-representation is a problem, but :
Also, wtf with using dr who ? A show that is often pushing boundaries in this respect and recently went again all convention to cast a woman is a role, occupied by men since it started in the 60's. Last season it represented the LGBT comunition in a lead role as well. Seriously there are many far far better targets,…
Too bad Trump was in FL, he missed his chance to run out there unarmed to stop the shooter.
In general, I enjoy and get a lot out of this column. I believe in tipping fairly, generously when I can, and in trying not to be a jerk to the waitstaff. But how I tip is really my business — and if it’s more convenient for me to tip on the card (it is), I’m going to tip on the card. It also helps remind me of the…
Not only was your friend a thief, he upped his game to felony theft.
Yeah, that’s a crime.
I’m pretty sure the next letter is the column is going to be:
no one is going to bother a dispute on whether the charge is $147 or $145.
Yeah exactly, I keep maybe $20 in cash max on me in case of emergency and I’m not willing to consider “help the server evade the IRS and get money slightly faster” an emergency. I still tip 20%+ and will continue to do so until wage laws are changed to make tipping unnecessary, but this is where I draw the line.
I generally tip on a card because that is how I pay.
I truly, truly, truly try to be tolerant of all people and just try to let people be happy, but come the fuck ON. I’m glad she got kicked out. I hope it happens again. Throw a fucking party if you want to put that shit on, or go to some kind of costume ball.
Anyone who’s cool with this, you cool with people dressing up…
Yeah, people like to bash him here on Jezebel, but he was one of the first modern male directors to acknowledge that men were hypocritical assholes for judging women’s sexuality.
The Kevin Smith Heart attack is terrifying. It feels like we came of age together. I lost interest in his movies years ago, but he seems like a good dude.