The Skelton athlete from Arizona essentially thought it looked cool last Olympics, called up the US team and got on. So depending how much time you got, you could be on the team in Beijing...
The Skelton athlete from Arizona essentially thought it looked cool last Olympics, called up the US team and got on. So depending how much time you got, you could be on the team in Beijing...
This is a bad take.
They really don’t, though. The sports might not do it for you but a ton of them are genuinely exciting, imho, and I love the spirit of the games.
There is also a bio pic in the works about Ada Lovelace, daughter of Lord Byron and inventor of the theories behind the computer. It’s a good time to shop around your script about some great, but uncelebrated woman scientist!
Well that’s rad.
Or dominator?
I actually wrote a pre-Trump satire in which the outlandish right-wing candidate who got the nomination no one was expecting was obsessed about his hair and that of this paramours (he didn’t actually have sex with them, he just caressed their hair). I was thinking Perry/Blogajaevich but Trump puts them to shame. May…
Well nobody is banging Stephen Miller.
Nope Licks.
Apparently I wasn’t the only one who’s first thought was Hope Hicks.
It doesn’t even seem like a tough call, she’s on record at having dated three members of the administration or campaign. This is a point where, if her fellas weren’t such reprehensible villains, I would say that it is kind of normal for a single person, working a high stress, time consuming job in their twenties to…
*I desperately rush to the ticket window with bundles of loose dollar bills in my hands*
“I’m putting all of this on Hope Hicks!”
I mean I don’t like engaging with baseless rumors spread by someone with an obvious axe to grind.
Hope Hicks.
That is extremely controlling and manipulative behavior. I’ve been through that before and this is really not okay.
If you don’t have kids, leave now. It’s only going to get worse.
Dude dump him right now. The dude’s a selfish creepy psycho and he’s using you for your great job and because you take care of him.
Husband sounds like a controlling asshole. The only gift he should be getting is a divorce.
“I got you a new gift, a divorce!”