Kate Cooley

McDonald's is constantly giving the back-handed bow to pressure. (They're limber like that.) Happy Meals used to come with the option of selecting fries or a plastic bag full of apple slices as your side. Since literally no kid ever would make that choice the way health-Nazis want, then it became "Happy Meals COME

There are so many wrong things going on in this flick. It takes things that TIH should be and overdoses you on them. Banner is angsty? Let's make him SUPERangsty. CGI? Just heap that sucker right on and don't spare the purple pants. Hulk was a comic? Let's make EVERY SCENE have comic-panel transitions.

Ser Pounce was on the job, so I'd say no.

I already love this show. That would make it the best ever.

*cue cat with shifty eyes*

True. I was thinking more of the "running like a madman from room to room and staring at absolutely nothing." That would make so much more sense with the addition of White Walkers.

I have a cat. This would explain about 99% of his activity.

At 7 months, my son not only had serious front teeth, but also an appetite that required a lot more than I had on offer. I can't imagine what it would have been like when he was 2.

I like Mayim Bialik as an actress, but personally, she comes off a bit on the nutty side. I'm not even touching the vaccination part. The breastfeeding her kid until he's AT LEAST two part started me going "Ummm… maybe no?" along with the co-sleeping thing. The vegetarian thing almost seems less head-scratchy in

Snake said that in lieu of getting the death penalty for his next capture, he'd opt for suicide by cop. Wiggum didn't like the sound of that or the ensuing paperwork.

I think it's less a problem of relying on character affection (well, of course they would! That's why you spend years building audiences) than resting on it. Instead of using the love we have for the show to make better episodes, it's depending on that love to make the episodes. And with the A-plot from this week's

I've seen the episode a bunch of times over the years, and I know the part you're talking about. And that's fine. I'm talking about the dead-eyed "Goodnight" and sudden exclusion of Bart from the family activities. It's almost like, from that point until the end, she gives up on him. And Zack-the-author points to it

I'll be in the minority on this one, but I really can't stand this episode. Marge's change from "super dorky Mom" to "frosty and loveless" really puts me off. There's no part of her character - who has stayed with Homer through the stupidest of decisions - that should just be able to turn it off like that. Or at least

This is the best comment to come out of an article about Ben Stiller.

I think what she meant was that by the standards of society, the characters were considered 'washed up' - retirement age, no longer modeling the 'standard' of what's sexy, kids are gone, men are gone… The show itself and the brilliant actresses then went on to show us "Hell with that! We're kickass!"

I have no love for the Disney version (came out when I was in high school and friends with idiots who went around singing this crap all the time), but I've also never been impressed with Sofia Coppola's work either. Ignoring COMPLETELY the travesty that was Godfather III (and there were SO many problems with that),

They should be glad they're not. With McFarlane within a football-field of this show, it would be too tempting for him to insert himself to act the jackass.

We're losing the original joy of the Muppet Celebrity Cameo, though. Now, all these people know what the hell is going on. Back in the day, there was about a 45-50% chance that the guest star would be bewildered until they got to their performance segment. (Rudolph Nureyev comes to mind first.)

♫You picked a fine time to charge me, Lucille…♫

"Momma made me a hooker, but I got over it." Oh, Country Music, you rascal!