
A looooot of the time, “I wish to complain about all this PCness” is easy shorthand for “I want to continue to say these dickish things I’ve always said, and not be called an asshole for it.” Buuuut, sometimes it really is taken too far. As a whole culture, over time, we get better / more tolerant / more empathetic /

“Why can’t I be blatantly rude to someone? Gosh, the world is so PC these days.”

“Political correctness” literally just means “not being racist/sexist,” but as an insult. Nothing more.

9 times out of 10 it’s straight white men who complain about political correctness. They hate that they live in a world where they can no longer make disparaging comments about people that are not like them without repercussion. They want the freedom to disrespect others but of course we have to respect them because

Nope. Success =/= merit. Adam Carolla is also a successful comedian and he’s easily one of the biggest assholes in the world who not only would agree that political correctness is killing comedy, but that other races are better than African Americans.

My understanding of PC= people generally respecting other people and taking other peoples perspective into consideration and really making an effort to try to understand and incorporate other peoples perspectives into one’s own worldview in an attempt to grow as a human being and have a more balanced and holistic

Red flags always go up for me when people start bitching about “political correctness.” Lots of it is just lazy thinking on their part and an unwillingness to be anything other than a total dick.

Shorter version of what he said: “people aren’t allowed to say whatever they want without being called out for their b.s. anymore.”

And they try to play it off like “Oh, you’re so trivial, and I’m much busier thinking Big Important Things (usually about business). Being funny is God’s work, y’all. How in hell would we go on without it?

So, what you are saying, is that you are not “as socially liberal as they come,” and that you also do not understand science or “empirical observation,” which isn’t, y’know, actually a thing.

What I believe is based on science and empirical observation.

Okay first off I am trans and second I don’t think you are a bigot. Here is the thing. Caitlyn Jenner will not ever be a cisgender woman. You are right. She will always be a transwoman. There are different ways of being a woman, or being a man. See it’s not just the ‘transition’ part that makes you a trans woman or in

You have decided that this is a fiction, which is a value judgment by you. You’ve chosen to dismiss the feelings of a transgendered person because you don’t understand them. I suggest that no one asked you to approve or not approve. If you don’t understand, fine, but saying that Caitlyn Jenner can never be female is

Something important here is you have to separate physical sex and gender (identity). In the case of Caitlyn it would be that she was born with the physical characteristics of a man (Penis and testicles producing Testosterone) but with the gender identity of a woman.

Well gender identity and gender biology are two different things and they have been for years. You can thank science for that. You can also thank science that medicine has a very effective way to to change one’s gender biology to match their gender identity.

I’m about as socially liberal as they come

This insistence that being trans is a fiction, and the conflation of “biological sex” (by which I assume you mean chromosomal makeup rather than sex assigned at birth) with gender certainly IS a problem. A problem with you. You have a problem. See to it.

It may just blow your mind to learn that all embryos start off female. #Boom

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that you’re not nearly ‘as socially liberal as they come’ as you claim. Just an inkling I have. ‘Physically female.’ Good christ.

You’re conflating your inability to understand it with it not being a real thing.