
I’m a straight biological girl and I so do this also. I work in a building that has offices and laboratories. My usual scientist attire is sensible flats, pants, and have my hair pulled back more out of function than fashion. Usually I try to add feminine touches, but it’s not easy when I have to put on a lot of

It’s driving me crazy. It’s her right to express herself as she wants.

Yes. It was infuriating how many people I heard talking about Bruce before she came out as Caitlyn who said things along the lines of “why would he want to switch genders? He’s going to make a hideous woman.” As if looking hot as a man or woman should be the determining factor of whether or not someone chooses to

This actually highlights to me the problem with this kind of representation as Laverne Cox talked about on her blog. Caitlyn looks good, but she’s someone who can pass. Many trans women can’t, and glomming onto Caitlyn as way to show how progressive they are kind of reinforces the narrative that trans people need to

As much as it is nice to see acceptance of a trans individual in culture, it should be understood, as Laverne Cox so lovingly and wonderfully explained, that this acceptance is through the lens of a particular type of privilege. For many trans individuals, their reality does not reflect Caitlyn Jenner’s (and this

When “you go through all this stuff,” she says, “you start learning kind of all the pressure that women are under about their appearance.”

Transgender isn't a verb, fyi

He’s successful because people who are even slightly similarly-minded enjoy being angry. There’s big business in imaginary monsters, and getting to pretend that you’re a righteous dragon-slayer on a moral crusade. He just provides the fantasy.

I thought about this as soon as I saw her cover all over my feed. I think it’s 100% wonderful and beautiful that people are accepting her as they have (not that crazy hate isn’t out there, it is). But I question if all my Facebook friends would react the same if she was an easier clock. Are they really celebrating her

“Yeah, I would have gotten the shit beaten out of me on a regular basis and had slurs thrown at me constantly, but it would have been totally worth it! Also, I’ve never heard of porn!”

Upon seeing the Vanity Fair cover a good friend commented, “As a woman who’s been called ugly more often than I care to remember, I’m happy for her...but I also feel badly for those whose transitions - whether due to genetics or financial ability - will not produce supermodel results.”

Yes. I have a general discomfort with the "oh, you're so beautiful" protestations as well. I guess, I just don't know why we need to constantly reassure women that they are beautiful. As if, by being beautiful, they are worthy of respect and inclusion.

Yes. Sorry. Bye.

At the same time, there’s nothing wrong at all with remarking on her beauty, that’s clearly why they released the photo this early — she’s gorgeous. Yes, cisnormative beauty standards are a pain in the ass, and they always have been since the daughters of Abraham. My friends who are trans women have all reacted

Now, there are many trans folks because of genetics and/or lack of material access who will never be able to embody these standards.

What’s the problem? He’s just asserting how totally heterosexual he is using examples he (probably) picked up from the American Pie franchise. What could be wrong with that?

Kid gloves slowly removed...

He realizes that girls who like girls shower with girls who like girls and girls who like boys all the fucking time. A friend of mine from HS wasn’t out yet but was definitely into girls showered with the rest of us without being weird because, you know, in a fucking shower you tend to MYODB. Nothing bad happened. She

Fully agree. Whenever I hear about trans teens committing suicide it absolutely breaks my heart, and makes me so very grateful that my brother felt supported in his choice to come out to us. I was trying to explain this very idea to my MIL, that the visibility issue is crucial, since so many folks grow up (like my

“I’m not doing this to be interesting. I’m doing this to live.”