
I am quite fond of the phrase, "You are entitled to your own beliefs but not entitled to your own facts."

I heard Christina Applegate's Imperfections is playing Coachella. They're great.

I was talking to a woman at a trans support group once and she casually mentioned, “Well, I kind of feel weird about gay relationships. Like, men should be with women, you know?” And I had to bite my lip to stop from shouting, “We’re TRANS! Honestly, you'd think that our experiences would teach you that what cis and

That’s true. Maybe I should have phrased it differently: I know they don’t mean ill. But yeah, you’re right, they’re not trying to help you, they’re trying to satiate their curiosity.

It’s just so intrusive. I realize people mean well, but it’s really obnoxious. That’s just a very personal question and people really probably shouldn’t be asking about it.

Then again, the idea that some people don’t want kids probably hasn’t crossed a lot of people’s mind, or then only in passing, and they just

If I ever get married I am sure I’ll be hearing that question. And the answer is: never, and stop fucking bothering me about it.


In a way it really is a shame that John Oliver went to HBO because he would have been the perfect replacement.

On the other hand, John Oliver is fantastic and has more freedom on HBO so that's kind of a win, really.

Netflix is really creating some pretty awesome original content. When you get it, check out "Daredevil" and "BoJack Horseman." The latter starts off pretty generic and silly but stick with it, it ended up being one of the best and maybe even most profound and deep shows I've ever seen.

I was born and raised in Cali and I have to tell you that stuff like this (and so many, many other things) make me so proud of my home state. And as a trans woman now living in Arizona (gah!) I would be much happier living there again (well, I'd be much happier living there again, anyway, really).

>Oh and sending out a letter talking about a student’s anatomy is beyond foul. Really? “has male anatomy..” Her anatomy is nobody’s fucking business.

And I can tell you from personal experience that being trans isn’t a choice. Anyone who thinks that you would choose to be trans is insane. It's not exactly a walk in the park.

But other than THAT, what's the problem, exactly? /s

I know I’m commenting on a month old article, but I had to chime in. You are SO right about this. I’ve had this (to a much lesser degree) but it definitely seems like when I’m having a rough time the majority of my friends just disappear. I don't get it. If you don't know what to say, just say, hey, I'm here if you

My best friend of 14 years just stopped responding to me last year. Just disappeared. Told me she needed some space but would get back to me soon. 6 months went by and I finally had to give up. It hurt to much to keep hanging on when the person I was closest to in the world decided to never speak to me again and not

They can catch trans, though. I met a trans person when I was four and BAM I got it. Very contagious.

Yeah, AM2 wasn’t good. But “Dumb and Dumber 2” was actually really good, which shocked me.

Then again, I'm a huge fan of the original, grew up with it, so anything better than "completely sucked" was ok in my book.


They're worse than Nickelback.

WHAT? People call it that?

I would have a hard time keeping my head from exploding if someone actually said that to me.