Oh my god, I love that movie.
Oh my god, I love that movie.
I'm not quite sure where I land on it myself (I'm trans) but it didn't bother me too much. Maybe the context will make it better or worse, I don't know. *shrug*
I maintain that his performance on "Arrested Development" was absolutely brilliant. His comedic timing is just fantastic.
I would confuse them except I don’t want to punch Michael Cera in the face.
Seriously, why does Jesse Eisenberg have such a punchable face?
Ugh, I can't stand Jesse Eisenberg. I saw him being a complete and total asshole to an interviewer once for no good reason and it ruined my opinion of him. She was being perfectly nice and polite and he was just being a purposely condescending, sarcastic ass to her for absolutely no reason. Just ugh.
I honestly never thought of that before but that’s a really good point.
I was leaning toward carrying pepper spray in my purse at some point and I think that's probably what I'm going to stick with. Eek!
I have to be honest, the show itself wasn’t that great. The first episode was fantastic but then the rest just didn’t hold up to that initial episode. Maybe you’ll enjoy it more than I did (I hope you do!) but just a heads up that the rest aren’t as good as that first ep imho.
That being said, that first episode…
Slighty off topic, but has anyone else seen “Catastrophe” on Amazon? There’s a brilliant (and hilarious) take down of this new agey, “modern medicine is bullshit, eat kale to cure anything” thinking. It was fantastic and completely spot on.
Your dad is awesome.
Insert Tommy Tutone joke here.
I will give her credit for bringing a lot of attention to trans issues and more understanding to the trans community (even though her being seen as some sort of spokesperson is REALLY irritating because she’s not). That has nothing to do with whether or not she deserves the award or is even a good person, but I do…
I kind of love that.
Yeah, I definitely think the joke was on them, not on androgynous people.
So they're cowards, too.
Sometimes I get disheartened when I see a transphobic comment with a decent amount of stars. But then I almost immediately see another comment below it refuting that comment that has WAY more. And then I feel good again.
The people starring it are the same ones who shout “BUT GENDER IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT” any time a trans woman does something as simple as put on lipstick.”
Totally. But then when a cis woman does it it’s, “Oh, that’s ok.” Logic is not strong with TERFS.
And yeah, honestly, Jezebel is one of the very few comments sections…
Yeah, but people like you give people like me (a trans woman) hope. Because it's easy to lose that when you see a barrage of people constantly trying to invalidate your existence. But seeing people defend us, seeing allies, honestly, it really helps. More than you know.
...bullshit that it is.
Heh. Sorry about that. I was actually trying to cancel the comment but it went through anyway so I might as well finish it.
Seriously. The trans community, by and large, in my experience, is trying to break down gender stereotypes. I can’t tell you how many younger trans people come into our forums and say something like, “I am kind of a tom boy/am masculine/like sports/this stereotypically masculine thing, does that mean I’m not really a…
I can say as a trans woman, especially one that is not full time yet, I try to be really cognizant not to jump into certain discussions or try to speak about things I have no experience in as it relates to being a woman. I don’t really know what it’s like to experience direct sexism as a woman and wouldn’t try to say…